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6 months ago

It’ll be hard in the case.

If you can somehow get it to it (if you go over his parents or siblings or something else) you could see if any bank has a way where you don’t all have to be in the same room.

If the contact is not producible or he would not be willing to wait the easiest for the 18.

6 months ago

Basically difficult. Unfortunately, in these cases the reality has overtaken the legislature, because this is not an exceptional case nowadays and no solution has been created for this, all the guardians must always agree.

But what you can do is talk to the bank employee and ask if he can offer a solution. Or a little trick: if your father is already legitimate there, then the bank employee could create the documents on the basis and at least sign the mother. The signature of the father is “retrieved” and if you 18 the account will be rewritten to you, that is due.


6 months ago

No, from a legal point of view, it is currently impossible for you to open an account. Your mother would have to prove that she has the sole custody of her, but she can’t. The data of all concerned must be included, including personal legitimation and signature.

Your mother should be asking for the sole custody.

6 months ago
Reply to  anonym43514

for this, it does not have to put an application to the right.

6 months ago

If you live with your parents, one of your two parents must be with them.

Without this, you cannot open a bank account.

6 months ago
Reply to  Raphaelx1999

That’s not true. Where the child resides here is not relevant and all the guardians must be involved. Not only one of the two parents.

6 months ago
Reply to  Isuzu189

at the opening must be a parent who lives with the child and is child present. so it was with us. the bank has counted this under daily care and so the thema was done.

6 months ago
Reply to  Isuzu189

Okay, so I was able to open my bank account with 16 and I’d like to call paragraphs to do that. Bzw. My first

6 months ago

I said exactly. I mutti, caring parent of my minor at the time 15 years old, have entered the bank with children and opened an account without vater. He was never asked, he never signed anything and never was there before.

the expert valued this as everyday care that I have while my child is with me.

(of course, kv agrees, but he just lives far too far to be on site for such things.)

6 months ago

Right and if both parents have died, your parents cannot be there either. Because it always depends on the circumstances. It seems to me that 90% of people don’t want to have a conversation, but just to play their ego

6 months ago

1. You don’t know me

Two. The lie wins the sprint and the truth the marathon

3. Is it something bad without judging knowledge about me and claiming from me it would be a lie

4. My first bank account, I could open with 16 that is an irrefutable fact.

Five. It is correct that guardians must be involved.

6. I’m not looking for an ego game, but if I’m wrong, I’m supposed to be convinced. Because NO man is perfect.

7. It’s not about right, it’s about truth.

6 months ago,and%20es%20gen%C3%BCgt20

Minors under 18 can only open a current account with the consent of both parents

The banking supervision will know better than you. So please don’t spread lies and then keep lying when someone points you to it.