Bankkonto gelöscht mit Geld drauf?
Ich hatte eine kontowechselhilfe in die Wege geleitet von der Sparkasse. Ich bin also von der Commerzbank zur Sparkasse gewechselt.
jetzt habe ich gestern im (Commerzbank) online Banking gesehen dass mein konto weg ist.. vermutlich wurde es im Rahmen des kontowechsels aufgelöst
das Problem ist aber: ich habe vor 2-3 Tagen noch Geld auf dieses Konto überwiesen weil eine Kreditrate diesen Monat noch über dieses Konto läuft.
und außerdem: was passiert denn generell mit dem geld was da drauf war, es ksnn doch nicht einfach weg sein
Hm, that depends on how you put the orders. If the CoBa account has already been resolved, the money transferred to it will return to the sender account.
The residual capital present in the CoBakonto is collected by the Sparkasse and transferred to the new account there.
It is not for nothing that the accounts are kept in parallel for about 3 months. I’m afraid you’ve got a lot more problems: have you informed all your debiters about the account changes and also changed the accounts there? This cannot guarantee a bank. If I don’t, I strongly advise you to attack this. Rent, cell phone, insurance, utility, etc.
No, all the bookers informed. However, there is a financing that had been completed in May, but now only becomes active due to the delivery time. Book now for 01.09. And because I thought the change of the debit mandate would no longer fit, I transferred the money to my CoBa account so that the debiter can still book this month. However, I have hurried that my account changed to 25.08 is official and did not think that the old account will be deleted. but is it normal that it now takes 4 days and the money from the deleted account has still not been transferred to my new savings bank account?
I think it’s quite normal that it takes a few days. The CoBa will still see if there are still open bookings and the Sparkasse can only wait for the cash receipt. Gruss
No money shouldn’t be gone,but land on your savings account.
The money was certainly transferred to the new account. Wait one to two more days.
Existing credits are transferred to your Kinto at the savings bank.