Bankkarte mit 16 Jahren?
Ist es möglich eine Bankkarte zu eröffnen, die NICHT über meine Erziehungsberechtigten läuft? Wenn bspw meine Mutter die Vollmacht an meine Betreuer erteilt (bin in Obhut)? Wenn ja, hätten die Betreuer dann Zugriff auf mein Konto?
Kennt sich da irgendwer aus?
You can’t open a bank card, you just get to a current account. Since you are still minor, only your legal representatives, i.e. your guardian, can open an account for you. It doesn’t work “on your guardians,” but on your name and is your account.
However, until you are full-year, your guardians are your legal representatives to the bank and have access to your account. If guardians are authorized by your guardians, they also have access to your account. That’s the meaning of a power of attorney.
Could you prove my parents’ access? I think I’m asking my lawyer, I’m insecure
Thank you.
No, an account opening is not possible.
No, the account can only be opened in the presence of the guardians.
First, you can’t open a bank card but just an account. A bank card always belongs to an account. There is no bank card without account. Again: there is no bank card without account. And if you know that now, you can ask your parents if you can have a youth giro account, for example, at a savings bank or something. But you should be aware that there is no bank card without an account.
The question was whether one of the supervisors should have the authority. I’m in front of the family court at the moment, my goal is probably a guardian or the like.
Ok bank card opens sounds stupid, has tipped to the quick, but it’s logical that there is no card without an account and you understand what I want out
The supervisor may do this if you agree. The supervisor is only acting on your behalf. Your desire and will must be heard and realized if possible. You won’t be removed or something.