Bank kann mein Konto nicht entsperren was tun?

Mein Konto wurde wegen einer Pfändung gesperrt und die kriegen mein Konto nicht mehr entsperrt auch als ich die Pfändung bezahlt habe das Ding ist ich hab kein Geld da nix und weiß nicht was ich machen soll habt ihr paar Tipps?

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2 years ago

Request P account retroactively!

If savings banks do at least, you can have the money after a short time and get rid of the bond.
In addition, Duz will have the opportunity to have your account within the Pfändunsgfrei amount every month.

2 years ago

I found the interesting on the Internet:

2 years ago

then your account was blocked by the creditor, e.g. health insurance, tax office

Find them out and clear the thing. these are the only ones who can do that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Richardlu

technical errors are exclusively banking matters

2 years ago

cannot be, because the KK gives the order to the bank to block the account. only the can lock, or unlock

2 years ago

read and understand

then ask your bank…