Band name Lieselotte lurks or Liesselotte lives better?
We've started a band and aren't sure which name is better. The genre would be indie, and we got the idea from an insider.
We've started a band and aren't sure which name is better. The genre would be indie, and we got the idea from an insider.
Hey, I'm interested in how you breathe when you sing, and what techniques you use. I'm currently learning back-flank breathing with my singing teacher, but I'm having trouble because I can't relax my stomach and I don't have a feel for it in general.
Hey, There is a musical group at my school that I take part in. I got a bigger role in the next musical (omg). I'm going to play the narrator from the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," but I'm worried that I won't be able to do it perfectly vocally, as the narrator…
I know this is techno, but techno has many subgenres and I want to know the exact style of music.
If so, do you enjoy it or would you rather not do it?
Hello folks, I lost my clamp saddle screws for my X Cort X11 and was wondering if I can just order any replacement screws, or if they have to be from the exact same model. If so, does anyone have a link? Because I can't find anything about them online.
Hello, I've been playing the cello for a few years now, but like everyone else, I'm getting older, and my weekday schedule is getting more and more complex. I usually don't get home until around 9 p.m. and rarely want to play loudly after that, so I'm currently considering getting an electric cello so I…
“Lieselotte lives” I find better. This gives the fun name more expression, more seriousness. Otherwise it sounds like a child band forever. And you’ll be more mature in 10 years and write other texts, change you…
On the wall, there’s a little bug on the Lauer…
Also the first
That’s kind of a thing. I just don’t get to the right name, but at least that’s not new.
This goes towards Punk or something.
Do you think Paula wants to dance?
No, I don’t think so. I can’t get it in my momnt either. :