Banderüberdehnung vom Skifahren?

Bei meinem Sturz gestern habe ich mir anscheinend eine Bänderüberdehnung an meinem rechten Fuß zugezogen. Jetzt tut mein Fuß beim Treppen gehen und bewegen etwas weh und ist angeschwollen. Da ich auf Skifreizeit bin wurde mir jetzt freigestellt meinen Fuß auszuruhen oder versuchen zu fahren. Würdet ihr denken das wäre eine gute Idee.

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2 years ago

As long as the leg is swollen, please take a break and lubricate ointments (foltars, traumas, etc.) and wait until the pain becomes less – if the pain is then away then you can start with slight stress.

2 years ago

If it hurts and especially if it’s swollen, don’t drive, otherwise it probably gets worse.

2 years ago

Certainly no smart idea to continue with a band overstretching!

Upstairs, cool, bathe the foot with salt water.

I don’t know how bad it looks, but always makes sense to wear a rail orthesis that the foot can’t make any sideways movement and can’t slip away again.

Band injuries are unfortunately guaranteed worse by improper treatment and too early exposure. Then also causes long-term damage.

I’ve been banging more or less on sofa even for a week with a distortion.

Thanks to appropriate immediate measures of swelling drugs the first 2 days, high storage and orthosis, it looks very good.

At the moment you should prevent a lot of blood running into the tissue.

In case of uncertainties, visit a doctor.

I can wear people’s responsibility for children, but don’t take them, really don’t understand..

2 years ago

If you’re hurting, you should pause