Bänderriss oder doch mehr?

Kurz nochmal zum Unfall ich bin vor 4 Tagen eine Treppe runter gefallen und umgeknickt. Hab ein knacksen gespürt und konnte nicht mehr gehen. Ich wurde dann am nächsten Tag ins KH gebracht, dort wurde geschaut und kurz abgetastet dann kam dienDiagnose Bänderriss. Aufgrund meiner anhaltenden Schmerzen und der Tatsache ich immernoch nicht laufen kann frag ich mich natürlich ob das so normal ist oder vilt doch mehr kaputt ist.

Hat hier jemand schon Erfahrungen mit einen Bänderriss gehabt und kann mir vilt weiter helfen oder mir sagen wie es bei euch war. Ich bin für jeden Rat dankbar.

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1 year ago

Well, a ligament crack hurts ^

But you actually don’t put a crack in the MRI, but the bleeding already indicates that it’s at least a crack.

and you should wear the rail.

And keep the foot safe, but not completely because you can get a thrombosis, so pain-adapted load.

But you can’t do that with a crack, and you can’t run right, and whoever tells you something else just doesn’t know.

Call your doctor and ask or go to an orthopaedic or sports doctor.

1 year ago

A ligament crack needs weeks to heal. Of course it hurts.

1 year ago

You can and should also load as well as allow the pain. Do not cool or rest excessively. I would just avoid driving a car!

1 year ago
  1. Band tear makes pain…is so
  2. You’re not supposed to walk around with it, but keep your foot down. You could have said that.I had got a shoe/a kind of bandage at the doctor after my ligament tear, which I was not allowed to take off…. only wash/show and then again at the next check.
  3. Call your doctor and ask tomorrow. Go to an orthopaedic or sports doctor.
1 year ago

Band tear is broken anyway, which can be worse. But why do you think you can run again? You have a rail or are you operating?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bianka1985St

I really don’t understand, but I’m not a doctor. It used to be stitched, with 6 weeks of plaster. Today it is said to grow together. But the rail is mandatory, I thought.