Bambu lab A1 mini Hotend reinigen ohne extra Reinigungswerkzeug?

Während einem großen Druck kam die Fehlermeldung, dass das hotend verstopft sei aber ich habe noch kein Reinigungswerkzeug und ich möchte den Druck möglichst schnell fortsetzen. Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich es reinigen kann?

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4 months ago

You can do a cold pull.

Be careful, if you have a nozzle with gemstone tip (Rubin or Diamond), you can break it!

Otherwise, a coldpull is quite simple:

  1. You wait until your nozzle is cold and remove any Bowden tubes. The filament is solid and impurities are retained by the filament.
  2. You tell the hotend to preheat it.
  3. You put on the filament, for direct drive you must of course hold the loading lever pressed by the extruder.
  4. Depending on the plastic, it gets soft enough somewhere between 50 and 100°C to get it pulled out. It is important that you pull out the filament before it reaches melting temperature.
  5. All impurities that were in the nozzle stick to the filament, you cut off the part that was in the hotend and can insert the filament again

Print should go back.

Note, in Bambulab this is something special because their extruders do not have a load lever ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ but there is a video here