Ballettinternat in Deutschland?
Ich würde gerne auf ein Ballettinternat gehen! Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen damit gemacht? Wie läuft denn so eine Aufnahmeprüfung ab?
Bitte nicht sowas wie:
Überleg dir das! Ballet kann man maximal bis 30 machen….
Dafür musst du sehr gut sein…
Könnt ihr mir gute Internate empfehlen? Vielleicht will auch eine/r von euch auch auf ein Internat? Würde mich freuen! Ich danke euch für eure Tipps im Voraus!
P.S: Ich bin weiblich, 12 .
Ich habe mich auch informiert, mein Favorit ist das John Neumeier Internat. War/ist jemand von euch dort/dort gewesen?
Love y´all <3
I’m at the John Neumeier and I have to say that it’s getting harder and harder, the older you’re in the application.
In the John Neumeier, you can only apply (without ballet lectures) if you are between 7 and 11.
But that you wrote that you’re dancing well isn’t that bad.
If once again is a preliminary dance (Next is in December 2022), then you have to fill out a form there (what your parents need to sign) and on the site there is a table where the poses for the photos you need to send are on it. Z.b want to see your Arabesque. Then you have to record another video. I don’t know how long. That’ll be there. Your training should be on the video. (Centre, Barré and any videos of ballet competitions where you took part.)
I think (don’t be sure) that your old ballet teacher or your age must also sign ballet instructor because you need to specify where you did before.
One more thing: The school is super but Neumeier is now mid-eighty. He stops next year and you don’t know who’ll follow him.
But you shouldn’t worry, they’ll find someone.
I wish you good luck, you can do this in December. This is for school year 23/24.
After that, you have to do audits every year and it is sorted out.
Lg Abby
Thank you for your help!! <=3
You helped me a lot!
Hey, you know, I heard the Palucca school should be very good. From many other boarding schools (Berliner Staatsballett and John Neumeier, as well as the school in Mannheim) I have heard a lot of bad things. I’ve never been there myself, so I don’t want to lean too far out of the window.
Palucca is quite wide and offers you early to study parallel courses if you want to have a second leg next to dancing. There are artist classes, where you will be especially encouraged. There are Summer Intensives, which I always find very good, as you get to know other teachers there again: and you can stay at school over the summer.
In the end, you’ll have to dance at several schools, and I’d see that in your place, you’re looking at the schools and being honest with you if you feel comfortable there. A preliminary dance is not only for the fact that you can look at the school, but is based on reciprocity.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you. You helped me a lot! <=3
Unfortunately, I can’t tell you, but I think it’s nice that you want to pursue your dream! Don’t let yourself be distracted if it’s really what you want 😊 I wish you good luck!
Thank you. You’re just great! I’m glad there is you! <=3