Ballet Spitzenschuhe kaufen/Damit üben?

Hallo Leute!

Ich tanze schon mehrer Jahre Ballett in einer Ballett Schule, traue mich aber jetzt erste auf Spitze, deshalb die Frage: Habt ihr Tipps? Also ich kaufe mir auch bald Spitzenschuhe, gibt es dort wissenswertes? Vielen Dank! 😃

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11 months ago


You have no one who teaches you and advises you?

If not, then try another school. You can break a lot when you go to the top and have no teacher who sees it and leads you.

5 months ago

You shouldn’t go to top by yourself. Let yourself be advised in a ballet school. You can take a pacifier course at any ballet school. Without professional help, I would not recommend lace shoes.