Bald 18, kann ich mit Mithilfe vom Amt ausziehen?
ich bin bald 18, in genau 3 Monaten, und muss auziehen. Meine Mutter und Vater möchten mich aus der Wohnung werfen. Ich brauche bis dahin eine Wohnung bzw. eine Unterkunft. Ich möchte selber nicht mehr hier wohnen weil ich ständig Streit mit meinen Eltern habe und auch nach unzähligen Gesprächen, keine Verbesserung in Sicht ist. Deshalb bitte ich euch:
Nur auf meine Frage gerichtete Ratschläge zu geben und nicht sowas wie „Geh mit deiner Familie zu Therapier“ und ähnlich. Ich möchte ausziehen.
welche Möglichkeiten gibt es da für mich?
ist es ggf. möglich jetzt schon auszuziehen? Also mit 17 oder halt fast 18.
From the age of 18 you can go wherever you want. Parents must have a reason to throw you out or want it.WARUM at home angry give that we do not know. Parents but YES.These know why?.
In addition, the young lady will advise you. If your stay in the parent’s house is no longer possible, it will help you to survive.
But just because you don’t understand yourself with your father or mother, no one will finance you an apartment.SORRY ABER, I give you a tip. Provoking always includes two.Of course.Many GLÜCK.
You can go from 18 where you like. it is, however, that without your own income you have no entitlement to a fully suvved apartment. from 25 years. It is, however, that your parents are dependent on you until the age of 25 or at the conclusion of a vocational training course. with the maintenance and your citizens’ allowance, but not everyone can certainly get their own accommodation.
like hamburger Hafenmeile, Kölner City or so, you will be able to forget just as much as a 200m2 loft…
read this through:
As long as you have not completed training, your parents are subject to maintenance. That doesn’t mean they have to pay you an apartment. It is also enough if you get accommodation and meals at home.
in the case, parents are obliged to stay
Maybe they’re not even clear about it, but think: we’re throwing the flag out, then we can pay the generality…🤷🏻
You’re still a student or a professional? Then your parents are primarily responsible for you. Theoretically, you would be 930 Euro incl. Children’s money.
But whether this is practical, would be another story.
So if they actually throw you out, then you have the chance to refuse to go, so they first have to raise the evacuation or you go. The question is: where?
And what options do you have on state aid? BAföG, vocational training allowance or even the commitment to the takeover of the costs for your own home by the Jobcenter, which then clarify whether your parents can and must pay to BGB.
You can now go to the Youth Office for the first time, which would also charge your dependent claims against your parents from 18 onwards. Tell them about the threatening rush and see if you have a place in a group of homes for you, which is rather unlikely. But ask nothing.
Then go to the job center and get requests for the case. Only there you can’t conjure an apartment. So could you come to a friend?
And as I said, what exactly are you doing right now and you have your own income such as a training allowance or entitlement to BAföG in schooling or studying.
And finally, the branch of the child’s money remains if you have your own registration address and your parents don’t pay at least the amount of the child’s money.
The family is the first social authority in our country, i.e. your parents are responsible for your living up to your 25 years of age.
Only after this age is exceeded, or if you have completed a training or study before, they can throw you out.
Please contact an educational counsellor from the Youth Office and let you be advised.
I don’t think I’m going to take your hope, but it’s really gonna have to be a big deal in your family so that the Youth Office pays you an apartment.
The Youth Office pays nothing and it is also not true that parents are responsible for the full-year child up to 25. SGB and BGB are different things and should the full-year child do nothing and want to do nothing, then the parents are not financially responsible for the child either.
And they can throw out the full-year-old child at any time because it has no right to stay. Whether it is necessary to try another court for the purpose of a clearing action, because it does not want to go, is another matter.
Go to the Youth Office as SOFORT as possible before you are 18, maybe they can take you again, at least 1 year or so.
No your parents are responsible for you up to your age of 26
That’s not true. They are subject to maintenance until the completion of the first training.
Actually, this was really a knowledge gap.
As long as she does education and studies, partly yes.