Bahnstreik: Gilt die aufgehobene Zugbindung auch bei Teilstrecken im Ausland?
Die Bahn streikt und wir können unsere Rückfahrt aus Dänemark nicht wie geplant antreten.
Ich habe das Ticket komplett über die Deutsche Bahn gebucht. Erster Teil der Strecke ist mit der Dänischen Bahn, zweiter Teil ein EC von DSB und DB, dritter Teil ICE… Ist die Zugbindung dann auch für den Teil der Reise in Dänemark aufgehoben?
Look at the side of the Danish Railway for security.
I went by train to Belgium in summer. Also I had booked the entire route over the DB. A train of the DB is then cancelled –> train binding. In my case, the train was also cancelled for the Belgian route.
I assume that in your case, too, the tie is cancelled, but it can’t tell you with certainty. passenger rights there is also something about international travel.
Since D is not a railway strike, you think strike is DK. It is the task of your contract partner (here the to say what you should do. I found the following with regard to the last strikes in D:
Strike in D is for the 10th – 12th January.
There’s nothing on But I just found it on your argument at the GDL. But “The railway strikes” and “The railway will strike” are different things:-)
From Wednesday, the GDL has called for a strike!