BahnCard nur im Fernverkehr oder auch in normalen RE / RB im Nahverkehr?

Hallo zusammen,

ich überlege mir eine BahnCard 50 zuzulegen. Diese macht für mich jedoch nur Sinn, wenn sie auch für den Nahverkehr anzurechnen ist.

Die Bahn schreibt dazu:

“Die BahnCard 50 ist gültig im Nah- und Fernverkehr der DB, in zahlreichen Verkehrsverbünden sowie in Bussen und Bahnen vieler weiterer Verkehrsunternehmen.”

Ich habe jedoch gehört, dass die BahnCard für den Nahverkehr nicht gilt. Wenn man beispielsweise eine Strecke von Köln nach Düsseldorf mit dem RE oder der RB auswählt, sehe ich auch nicht, dass man die BC eingeben kann?

Hat hier jemand Erfahrung mit der BahnCard 50? Könnt ihr diese auch für Strecken wie bspw. Köln – Düsseldorf anwenden?

Und dann noch 2 weitere kurze Fragen:

–> Gilt die BahnCard sowohl für Spar- als auch für Normalpreise? –> Kann man Fahrten mit der BahnCard 50 stornieren?

Danke euch =)

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10 years ago

The BahnCard 50 you do not buy for a special route, but it applies for the whole year, from the date of purchase. And if it says that this card applies to both local and long-distance traffic, that is true. Who do you trust, the train that sells the card or a “I’ve heard”?

And the card always costs the same amount. It’s like Abo. That’s not cheaper. At least not if this is not explicitly included.

10 years ago


Thus, in principle, a railway card applies in the post- and long-distance traffic of the DB.

This applies as long as you purchase your ticket from DB. If you purchase a ticket with a traffic network, it decides whether and/or to what extent a railway card is valid or what advantages you have. The exact conditions vary greatly.

A BahnCard50 applies only to the normal price. However, the BahnCard25 also for savings prices. Ideally, you can save up to 50% compared to the normal price with a BahnCard25.

And yes, tickets purchased at a BahnCard price can be cancelled. The conditions are the same as for tickets without train card.



10 years ago

As a rule, the BC also applies in local transport. If these are very short distances, it can be that the BC does not bring anything. You can also find out if you enter the route on and indicate that you have a BC50.

For savings, you can’t use the BC50, it’s only with the BC25. Regular tickets with the BC50 can be cancelled regularly.

10 years ago
Reply to  Bentinho

If these are very short distances, it can be that the BC does not bring anything.

It has nothing to do with the length of the track.

Example: A trip from Nordhausen to Nordhausen-Salza (3 km) costs 1.50 euros, with Bahncard 50 it is 75 cents.

Within a traffic network, however, you can not get a discount for a trip over 100 km in the RE with the Bahncard.

10 years ago
Reply to  Rolf42

Experience has shown that. In the VBN, for example, I don’t get a discount on shorter distances, on longer/more expensive ones.

10 years ago

The railway card is not valid within the VBN.

For trips from the VBN area, the Bahncard can be used, as well as for long-distance trains.

10 years ago

In principle, the railway card also applies in local traffic, but not within many traffic allies.

From Cologne to Düsseldorf you will not get a discount with the Bahncard because the VRS tariff is valid on this route and the VRS does not recognise the railway card.

If you travel from Cologne to Duisburg or from Bonn to Düsseldorf, you can also save by using the Bahncard.

The Bahncard 50 applies only to trips at the normal price, while the Bahncard 25 can also be combined with savings prices.

The Bahncard does not change the rules for the exchange and return of tickets.