Bafög wenn Eltern Bürgergeld beziehen?


Ich hab da eine Frage zum Bafög. Meine Eltern beziehen Bürgergeld und ich wollte wissen, ob mein Bafög auf das Bürgergeld unserer Bedarfsgemeinschaft angerechnet wird. Zähle ich immernoch zur Bedarfsgemeinschaft und meine Eltern kriegen noch Geld für mich oder kriegen die dadurch weniger bzw. garnichts mehr für mich? Ich habe mich schon im Internet erkundigt, aber die Antwort scheint mir immernoch nicht so klar.


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7 months ago

The bafög – would be your income, just like child money under 25 years of currently 250 euros, as long as you would need it for your own needs.

Under 25 years of age, you will create a BG community in the parents’ household if you cannot meet your needs from your own accountable income.

If you have no additional income, you can deduct from the Bafög – a flat-rate allowance of 100 euros per month.

What then remains of the bafög – is your expected calculable income with the child’s money and is counted to reduce your need accordingly.

So you should first know how high your bafög – claim would be and what your parents have to pay for the warm rental without deduction for normal household electricity, of course also whether you live alone with your parents or even more people belong to the household.

Because the warm rental is divided by the persons in the household and then gives the respective head part of the warm rental per person.

In addition, there is still the need for the living of the respective person and the need for the person together.

From the completion of the 18 and under 25 years of life, your standard requirement for living is currently 451 euros and then at least your head share of warm rental.

You can then calculate your needs and remove your predictable bafög + child money.

If you can’t cover your needs with this predictable income, your parents would still receive a corresponding increase for you, otherwise there would be no more benefits for you.

Then you would automatically fall from the BG community of parents under 25 years of age, taking into account the child’s money you still need to cover your own needs, you would have to pay proportionally for warm rental, household electricity, food, etc.

This would, of course, also apply to a possible increase if you cannot meet your needs from your own accountable income.

Then you would have to pay less to the parents, taking into account the child’s money and the increase your parents still get for you.

Under 25 you can earn gross equal to net as a student, azuub or hour since July 2023 up to the minimum job limit of currently 538 euros, without it being counted on your need.

If gross income is higher than the minimum job limit, additional allowances for earning income are also applicable in accordance with paragraph 11(b) of the SGB – ll which would benefit from this increased basic allowance up to the minimum job limit.

The total amount of the allowance would then theoretically be deducted from the net income and then yields the expected reckonable net income, which would then be inferior to your needs.

Then, however, the flat-rate amount of EUR 100 would be dispensed with for the bafög – that would then, like the child’s money, be fully counted on your need.

No longer required child allowance would be recalculated for the income of parents and according to the SGB – ll regulations to reduce the need for the remaining BG – demand community.

7 months ago
Reply to  johann040


7 months ago
Reply to  isomatte

Thank you for your star!

7 months ago

Yeah, you’re still part of the community. But don’t get any citizens’ money, but Bafög.

Isn’t it no matter what pot the money comes from which you’re living?

7 months ago
Reply to  johann040

You’re not the person who has to work for it.

In this respect, I would have a little more humility and gratitude.

7 months ago
Reply to  Kristall08

A child under 25 years of age is only part of the BG community of parents’ needs as long as it cannot meet its needs from its own accountable income.

If the child cannot, there is a claim to an increase from the job center.

7 months ago

I don’t care why I can go to work for your parents so you can make vacation in the USA.

If it had gone after me, you wouldn’t be here because there would have been no purchase agreement.

7 months ago

Parents’ households are not excluded from public funds. Income is calculated only for its own needs; for the Bafög there is a free allowance of 100€. Depending on age (25 years), they belong to the parents’ needs group or form their own.

As a rule, household income is increased by (only) €100.

Jobcenter Studis does not often take into account correctly. Advice at the respective Studiwerk is recommended.

7 months ago

BAföG is counted on your civic money, and in this way the parents get less money.