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2 years ago

Hey, there are several explanations. From the picments in the paint of the bathtub to the light outside, or even residues of shower gel or cleaning agent. If it is cooler from the light temperature outside, the water naturally also has a more bluish effect. This goes a bit in the direction of “light refraction” even if it doesn’t have much to do with it. The color in the bathtub can contain a little whiter for the eye to look optical brighteners, these often have a somewhat cooler/blacker effect. Thus, the incident light becomes air bubbles through the slightly more cloudy water. Dropped back and then hits the objects and let them shine bluishly. Here, for example, there are the terms reflection, absorption, remitation and reflection. These also influence the effect of colors. I can explain this in more detail if necessary. Since colour particles are in shower gel or cleaning agents, the water can also be dyed! If the water is milky, you can also check the lime content, which seems to be relatively high.

2 years ago

Water in itself is blue. With such volumes, you don’t normally see that.

2 years ago

Finely distributed lime crystals look blue.

2 years ago

So beautiful, blue Danube?

What did you use for cleaning agents, which additives of the water heater; I hope you’re not blue! Although slightly stimulated by a glass of champagne, a full bath is a complete pleasure.

Blues from the speakers…

2 years ago

Do you have blue tiles? The sea is also only blue when it reflects the blue sky.