Badeslip am Strand?
Hallo an die Männer hier. Tragt ihr am Strand, z.B. im Urlaub, einen Badeslip? Habt ihr Erfahrung damit (Reaktionen) Badeslips zu tragen? Auf was sollte ich achten?
Hallo an die Männer hier. Tragt ihr am Strand, z.B. im Urlaub, einen Badeslip? Habt ihr Erfahrung damit (Reaktionen) Badeslips zu tragen? Auf was sollte ich achten?
Wie zieht Ihr euch im Schwimmbad um? Ist es erlaubt sich vor dem Spinnt umzuziehen mal kurz blank ziehen oder sollte man in die Kabine?
Hallo, ich wollte euch mal fragen ob ihr diese Unterhosen für einen 13 Jährigen Jungen ok findet oder ob man in diesem Alter schon etwas erwachseneres tragen sollte… Danke für die Antworten!:)
Falls, wo kann man als nächst bestes hin? 🙂
Hi, weiß jemand wie voll es dort aktuell in der Woche in den Sommerferien ist? Würde es sich lohnen oder kann man nur im Becken stehen und ewig an den Rutschen anstehen? Danke!
Ich habe eine Sporthose, bei der mir aufgefallen ist dass sich wenn ich nach vorne gebeugt bin ,meine Unterhose (Slip) abzeichnet. Weiß jemand wie ich diese Abdrücke vermeiden kann? Danke für eure Antworten LG
I usually always make nudist, shouldn’t be possible, then I wear swim briefs
Wear bath slips almost always. This hasn’t been interesting yet.
You don’t have to pay attention if you want to wear one, just do it!
My preferred swimwear was and is the slippery pants, and not only on holiday.
I’ve never experienced unusual reactions, it didn’t matter much, although I was usually the only one who had one. Whether fellow students, fellow students, working mates, friends, family members or strangers: no one has looked stupid or said something.
I have never worn anything else since my childhood when swimming or on the beach (where we used to say “bath pants” that the term “bath slip” must be relatively new), so I wouldn’t worry about it at all.
The term “Badeslip” has been invented to distinguish the narrow short swimwear from the swim shorts.
I’m always wearing bath clips and I’ve never had any weird reactions on the beach. Even in the USA, the zero problemo was.
Great thing you don’t have to consider except just behave normally and don’t wear any transparent or push-up/bulge slips. If you like cheeky or brazilian style and pack it all well in front, then I don’t see a problem with it – I had only once.
That was a British woman who said quite loud to her friend that my Olaf Benz BLU 1200 swim brief was too short. I just looked at her and grinned her. She was embarrassed, because she was standing there in a much too tight string that just didn’t sit on her at all… She and her friend belonged to the “Stehbader” variety, standing around in the water and running around a little bit. Scary how many people can’t swim in today’s time.
Have I already done and have not yet experienced any negative reactions 🤷 ♂️ Is there a swimwear like any other…
My husband’s been wearing this for 50 years. That’s normal.
Yeah, but only if I have to.
Otherwise, I’d rather not wear anything.
Reactions: in both cases none.
I’m wearing bath clips everywhere and I’ve never got any comment from anyone. In the beginning, I had a bit of a surprise, just when some “teenies” ran past me. Don’t fuck, don’t look, just nothing.
I think the bathing slips are now “accepted” than you think.
Yes I wear bathing strings but bathing briefs too
Would be much more beautiful if all men would wear badeslip instead of these slim shorts
I always wear retro swimsuits and could never perceive reactions before.
What should a bathing slip already trigger, I’m always in GStrings or naked on the beach and that’s always been, there has never been a reaction that would have disturbed me.
Are quite normal swimsuits, the size must fit.
in the swimming pool yes, beach is unfortunately snot da keienr near sit
Always wear badeslip or jammer everywhere.
Never mind