baden Württemberg ticket schüler?

Hey, ich wollte mir das Baden-Württemberg Ticket für die Sommerferien holen, habe dieses Jahr meinen Abschluss gemacht und mir eine Schulbescheinigung geholt, jedoch geht diese bis zum 31.julie

zählt das noch oder kann ich mir das ticket doch nicht holen?

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5 years ago

Well, it’s worth a ticket for 13 days.

5 years ago

Do you mean the student holiday ticket Baden-Württemberg?

Students who complete this year can also get the ticket and take advantage of the entire holiday period.

StudentsTicket Baden-Württemberg (SFT)

The student holiday ticket has been available for €26.90 in advance since 10.06.2018. It shall apply to full-time students under 23 years of age against the submission of the pupil certificate or a school certificate. The age on the first holiday day is decisive. Students who completed their school this year may also use the SFT.

Source for example: passenger information/news/publications/detail/tariff-und-fahrplan-fuer-den-tuebus-waehrend-der-sommerferien.html