Badeanzug Geschenk anziehn zum zeigen?
Hallo ich weiss jetzt schon das ich Badeanzug bekomme heute. Ich ziehe die Sachen auch immer an zum zeigen und behalte auch an. Eine aus der Schule meinte das sei komisch. Was meint ihr?
Ich würde Badeanzug anziehn und zeigen und danach einfach lanarmshirt und meine Schneehose darüber anziehn
Anwesend sind Eltern Oma Opa 2 Cousinen und Tante.
Badeanzug zeigt wenig Haut leider. Ist mit Reissverschluss am Rücken
I think it would be very unhygienic to keep things before they were washed.
I also know that new clothes (except as underwear) may be briefly tried and shown, but just for example dress on, show off.
Also ideas. I’m lazy to move, but I’m right. Perhaps my colleague also said that
I would also do this and then test at home in the bathtub or shower
Then would be washed at least equal…
Actually, a good idea, apart from that, the swimsuits are really sexy.
I just don’t know if you should wash the swimsuits.
But swimsuit as underwear is sexy
If you dare. If everyone knows you well. It’s your family.
If you want to show it, do it. It’s great. If you feel comfortable. A swimsuit as underwear is cool ☺️
I wouldn’t do it in your place.
But how did you decide?
I dressed and showed and kept
Courageous! I hope you also had a beautiful Christmas time…
I hope of course that the swimsuit you like and feels good
I’m sorry.
Maybe you can exchange him….
My brother is a very gifted swimmer. But he’s never been given a swimwear… (He always gets a voucher and can then try it on site)
No, no, no.
So there are things you don’t perform even if it’s family, look forward to showing you but more I wouldn’t do now. You’ll see him on you, but then in another frame.
I don’t have a problem with that. But you think it’s funny too?
Yes I would, certainly you had no problems showing it but you will now be a young woman and there you will certainly be able to see a lot. You certainly don’t have to be ashamed, but if you feel uncomfortable about yourself do not do it, I think they have understanding .
If it’s also you have to decide if you do it, you’ll feel like it will show you if not.
I don’t have a problem with that only my colleague said it was funny
You don’t have to wear snow pants in the apartment. Let it be your sloppy fetish.
We are in such forest huts of grandpa and grandma
Are you talking so funny in Switzerland?
If not too cold
What you post here. That’s not a normal person.
What’s funny? What is it?