Bachelorarbeit: Wie lange habe ich noch Anspruch auf Bafög?


in meinem Bescheid steht, dass meine Förderugnshöchstdauer bis 2024 läuft. Im kommenden Sommersemester habe ich alle inhaltlichen Module abgeschlossen, es fehlt mir noch die Anmeldung und Abgabe meiner Bachelorarbeit.

Läuft das Bafög so lange, bis ich meine Bachelorarbeit abgegeben habe, oder nur bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem das letzte, fachliche/inhaltliche Modul abgeschlossen wurde?

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M. Huelkenberg
2 years ago


An acquaintance has let his bachelor’s work grind for 3 years, and has received bafög for a while. So, if you’re going to have another semester, it shouldn’t lead to the bafög being deleted.

You have to pay off more later, of course, but you need to know that.

From own experience: The Bafög office sees the day of your passed colloquium as the end day of your studies. – During Corona, I had applied for the bribe for students before I started my job, but I had refused the help and should report to the employment office for an application for unemployment benefit. So you should make the application as early as possible if you have a few months of idle in between. And so the Bafögamt should not be interested whether you are still actively studying or only written in.

In general, however, you still have time to do your bachelor thesis without falling from the BAföG. At least until the end of the maximum funding period, I think.


2 years ago

Your BAföG claim runs until you announce the note for your bachelor note or if you need too long until 2024, then the promotion has expired.