Babybrei als Erwachsener essen?
Ich bin Mitte 30 und esse ab und an gerne mal Baby Brei wie Müsli mit Erdbeeren Püree oder jetzt Spagetti Bolognese mit Nudeln. Ist das ungesund? Ich esse das wie gesagt, ab und zu mal zwischendurch einfach weil ich Lust darauf habe.
No that is not unhealthy on the contrary, there is not so much salt in it not so much sugar and organic it is usually also and as high processed as some industrial foods it is not.
I eat this more often on the way then I don’t have to go out to eat.
That’s the way you’re hungry.
I eat it sometimes. It’s not that expensive either. And it’s long lasting.
unhealthy it is certainly not…but overpriced and taste-poor (or not?). Babys should eat salt and sugar-poor! Also particularly healthy, but also a little ‘smooth’…
Adults have been ruined by the food industry. I don’t think it’s different.
Yeah, just for babies, there’s no chemistry inside. I just thought the stomach needs something to work and that’s not why Brei was so ideal?
What do you mean you eat them in the seniors sometimes?
unhealthy? Why would it?
Eat as much as you want. :
No problem. Let you taste it.
what is good for babies can’t hurt you
good appetite!