Baby Pille am nächsten Tag nehmen?

ich hatte mit meiner Freundin Sex und bin in ihr gekommen. wir möchten kein Baby, also sagte sie mir, dass sie am nächsten Morgen die Baby Pille einnimmt. wie funktioniert das Prinzip der Baby Pille?

muss ich mir jetzt Sorgen machen und wurde ich verarscht?

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1 year ago


So if you mean the anti-baby pill with baby pill then it doesn’t work. The anti-baby pill is a permanent contraception method. So you have to take the pill every day to get a contraception protection. There are also certain signs of taking, but this is not important here.

But there is the pill that you can take in an accident. So if you had sex without prevention but don’t want pregnancy. The pill then shifts the ovulation with hormones so that the sperms do not have the chance to fertilize the egg because they die before. So she prevents unwanted pregnancy.

However, the pill is only suitable for one-time use. You can’t have unprotected sex every time and then always take the pill afterwards so it doesn’t work. The pill after that is an emergency medication only to be used if something has happened unintentionally or accidentally.

However, please prevent and use the pill only in exceptional cases. It brings the hormone balance together and has, among other things, side effects that could not be insignificant.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago

God doesn’t have a GV if you’ve been so ruthless. The pill would then be necessary and this is an emergency medication. So if the condom is torn or similar. The antibabypille short pill is taken daily and also either to the first day of the period, then you are directly protected and if not a few days in advance

1 year ago

That doesn’t work at least.

The anti-baby pill starts on the first day of a period so that the protection is guaranteed.

Not just someday after sex.

1 year ago

Don’t worry…!

The sooner, the better, I can only say.

1 year ago

In the case of an additional note. Please take care of pill. The rest my previous speakers have written