Baby beschneiden lassen?
Mein Sohn kommt nächsten Monat auf die Welt. Findet ihr ich sollte ihn direkt als baby, als klein kind oder garnicht beschneiden lassen. Gerne mit begründung. Bin selber nicht beschnitten
Mein Kind ist am 4.3 dieses Jahres, 2 Jahre alt geworden. Er sagt oft, das er Zahnweh hat, und zeigt immer in seinen Mund. ich sagte ihm, das wir da zu einem Zahnarzt müssten, und jetzt redet er immer vom Zahnarzt und will hin. Er verweigert oft das das Essen, blutet beim zähnputzen, und trinkt…
Ich hab seit Samstag Hodenschmerzen, ich war am selben Tag noch beim Bereitschaftsdienst und in der ZNA für eine sonographie es kam nichts raus und wurde Hodenentzündung festgestellt. Mir wurde nichts weiter mitgeteilt und wurde so machhause geschickt solle ibuprofen nehmen hochlagern und kühlen aber es bringt einfach gar nichts. Ich hatte im Dezember eine…
Ich bin aktuell 1.80m winzig. Kann man durch Ziehen der Beine 1.90m erreichen?
Guten Abend, ich hatte gestern Abend Geschlechtsverkehr mit einem Mann. Ich hab da schon gemerkt, dass ich noch recht trocken war, aber wir haben’s halt trotzdem durchgezogen. Jetzt am nächsten Tag, habe ich große schmerzen außerhalb und versuche es mit Kamille ein wenig zu beruhigen. Meint ihr er hat mir da irgendwas „aufgerissen“? Er hatte…
Mein Kühlschrank hat eine Höhe von etwa 179cm und wenn ich genau neben neben Kühlschrank stehe bin ich minimal größer so etwa 1-2 cm. Meint ihr ich kann dann davon ausgehen dass ich mindestens 1,80 bin.
I had my two sons cut quite early, the little one was about 1 and the big two and a half.
But I think if you do this now with 1 or 4 years is not so crucial.
And the reason for the injury?
It’s not…
He’s doing good to the son. This has some advantages
It’s nice that you two even reaffirmed that, in your opinion, an operation is necessary to keep the intimate area clean…… says a lot about you
Yes but if he or his partner insists on it 🤷 ♂️. Let’s give you the culinary pleasure.
But the cheese does not want to have a normal person, only militant circumcision opponents who have eaten the alleged wisdom with spoons
He breeds the cheese under the acorn 🤣
With whom you are friends, it’s a wet cheese, but nobody wants to be friends with you
Yeah, it’s probably better…
People who have to let themselves operate in order not to stink intimacy… what to expect 🤦 ♂️
Okay, so with your supposedly reasonable hygiene, you’ll get to trick the basics of biology completely, and you’ll never get wet and squirty under the armpits. Of course, this happens only to all other people in this world, just not to you.
I see… 🙄
and you yourself are uncircumcised and do not know how this is and do not know the advantages, but speak consistently against it.
Very credible… 🙄
We should end the conversation at this point, because it’s just completely meaningless with you
With reasonable hygiene uninteresting……see my comment
Ojah….very representative….in a small acquaintance…….you notice yourself?
Laughing when someone talks about ignoring facts.
But I think with the User Manu you’ve found a new friend, much fun 👍
Don’t worry. You waste your time. Those who have no idea at all, who always scream at the loudest of any nonsense in the world. And are completely resistant to any arguments and experiences.
See also in politics 😉
They’re just people who have to die stupid…
And you think it’s a disadvantage if it’s a more intense feeling?
A sign that you have NULL knowing and only the stupid fucked by any militant circumcision opponents aftershot
I realize you have absolutely no real idea and experience of what you’re talking about.
That disqualifies you
It’s just cleaner. If you were careful at school in Bio, you would know the reasons.
Under the preskin body warmth, moist, residues of Pippi (sugar), and all possible other things. A perfect breeding ground for all sorts of germ.
And the sensation of sex is just one of the benefits. All the men I know who have been circumcised only after puberty, who report that the feeling behind is better, more pleasant, right there, more intense.
And, of course, you are consistently talking about it
And also many women I know know the sex with both who report that sex with a circumcision is better, more emotional, more pleasant.
And, of course, you are consistently talking about it
Of course, every little operation of this little risk that the wound only cures slowly… If you want to look at this as a disadvantage, I’ll let it happen.
But there are no further disadvantages.
And there I speak from experience. I’m one who knows both.
but if you consistently ignore all the facts that you should have learned in organic teaching in particular, then it is not to help you, then it is simply completely pointless to talk to you about it
Cleaner? Laughing… maybe with lazy ones who don’t wash.
The sensation of sex is one of the disadvantages….and for the woman it doesn’t make any difference anyway.
Can the children decide for themselves? That’s their body!
So things like scar formation and wound healing disorders are not existent?
But if someone claims there are NO cons, the one is anyway drilled and stubborn…..Discudoing time wasted.
Yeah. Hold the benefits…
the numerous benefits discussed dozens of times. Are you really on repetitions?
Sex feels both man and woman as a direct and more intense
Not to mention the statistical advantages.
And the disadvantages of circumcision are… Yeah. They’re… No 🤷
Something good?
Cutting the genitals with a scalpel?
What advantages? Some?
So the fact that you want to do it is golden.
About the best time when you do it, the spirits divorce.
with us in the family it is customary to make such an end kindergarten until early primary school. But a friendly urologist from us swears to make at the age of 11-12 years.
other acquaintances of us find that at the age of quite exactly one year best.
and for every age there are any arguments.
If you’re safe now, do it. It does not have to be immediately after birth, but at some point in the first year of life.
Yes, 100% support, for all ages there are arguments, I believe there are many parents who wait till 11, 12 years and unconsciously join the opinion of your urolog. Some even by 13. The main thing of the decision has been taken to do. Shortly before the beginning of the primary school it is made most often. I think so, with the best age. Indifferent when, it does.
Find’s always amusing when women comment here it would be so much better and hygienic, healthier etc 🤣 but with your answers you already know that n fetish is behind it. A jammer that you can’t show the parents for body injury….
Have you ever thought about it, maybe it’s just that it’s cleaner and more pleasant?
no, right… You don’t think you’re just attacking other people here…
You keep struggling and don’t want to see the many benefits. That’s why you don’t understand.
Just don’t check how you can be so fooled (especially as a woman) to want to cut his child, but woe someone says you have to do this operation…. is no comparison but just thrown into space. Your scream would be the greatest
That’s your opinion. Let’s just get our opinion.
You can see that something related has gone wrong….a circumcision without medical indication (all if the child does not have the opportunity to say yes or no) is and remains a bodily injury
I hope so.
we’ll do the child with you something good. Both my brother and my seven cousins are highly satisfied with this.
Too bad you don’t want to see it from pure ignorance…
Quite simply, the poor child… hopefully never get a boy…
We don’t need to discuss what we look like. That is why I do not mention this argument here when it comes to the advantages. Everybody looks different. This is not an objective argument.
you have water everywhere? I understand… you’re going to walk for 8 hours. And somewhere high on the mountain in the middle of the forest you want to have spontaneous sex, and of course you always have water and soap to hand, and quite quickly your dick. Very realistic statement…
it is simply fact that a trimmed penis is significantly cleaner and more hygienic. And if you say the opposite, it doesn’t change that fact.
You can also claim that the Earth is a disc. Then keep living in your world, so it’s still round.
And it doesn’t take any months. All the men I have experienced who have been trimmed post-pubertally have said immediately as the seam was cured that the clearly better and pleasant feeling is.
but they have all wrongs and deceive themselves, you are the only one who inhaled the wisdom with the spoon.
I don’t have children (extra for you: and with it no boy), but children are planned for the future, and if it becomes a boy, he will of course be circumcised. That’s true.
If at all it looks better from appearance yes OK I go
We live in Germany, have flowing water everywhere, pre-skin wash back finished 🤷 more pleasant but also only when the suddenly exposed acorn is used to it, it also takes a few weeks to months.
The fact is that there are various nerve ends in the foreskin that are simply destroyed by cutting.
If your children want to be circumcised, please ask yourself as soon as they are 13-16 and can also deal with it….if they say no of course not if they say yes your fetish is satisfied
I’m not attacking anyone, I’m just telling the truth.
Don’t be cut.
As long as there is no medical need (himose, for example), this should not be done. Let him do that when he’s 18.
Not at all.
It’s his body and he alone should decide what’s happening with it. If he is old enough (from 18) and has thoroughly informed himself beforehand he can decide.
Ideally not!
The question of age for pre-skin amputation already implies a fundamental necessity of amputation and this is not given.
A medically non-required amputation of the foreskin should be punishable for minors and in adults everyone is responsible for his body.
There is no reason to amputate a healthy and intact body part. Especially since the foreskin has a very pleasant and important task for the man.
The acorn is usually protected by the foreskin and is only “free” when watering or sex. After trimming, the glancer is no longer protected by the foreskin, it is then always free. This, of course, also has corresponding consequences. It forms a layer on the acorn, making this unpleasant feeling less shy. TheLossthe acorn then also hersSensitivity (after sex).After trimming can alsoScarson the acorn. Furthermore, the circumcision meansLossof thousandserotogenic nerve ends,it will besensitive partthePencilby the trimmingremoved or released.. The movement of the foreskin before and back, combined with the sliding mechanism, is very pleasant and also exciting in a non-cut man.
Therefore, the amputation of the precute should only take place in an age-independent manner if this is medically unavoidable.
What are you talking about? I was cut as a toddler and my noodle is 1A…
You have a lot of answers here. I have not read them, but I can imagine that it will be very emotional and very drastic.
I want to answer you soberly, because it does not seem to me to be a complicated subject and I hope you read it:
No, I wouldn’t let you do as long as there’s no medical reason.
And if one is present, you will find / he will find out later,
I was cut late and I think that a little earlier could have been better.Also yes, attention later in puberty, but not in the front. It does not affect every boy/man, so it is also not necessary or sensible prevention.
However, if there are no problems before, there is no reason for an operation and removal of a part of the erogenous zone.
I have great sex and I don’t feel restricted at all. But for a surgical procedure you need a medical reason. That’s it.
I wouldn’t want to make it as long as there’s no reason for it. Whether he wants to trim himself later or has to be something else, because he can decide himself.
I don’t think much about it, especially as there are risks and the circulatory influence on sexuality.
Source: circumcision
You’re right, the circumcision improves the feeling of sexuality.
In this respect, this is always the right decision
The opposite is the case!
And Wikipedia is better than her reputation
And I’m Santa
Can only be hoped that the parents are steadfast enough and don’t let boys resist their project. It’s all better after that. So, parents let your boys cut.
Yeah, that’s exactly how they are.
I also know somewhere, first categorically against it and after that comes the realization ‘I would rather have had my parents cut me more early’. Parents are often overwhelmed.
Yes and at night it’s darker than during the day.
So sensitive is the piece of skin not
Yes. Because the foreskin is very sensitive!
You can’t imagine
I can imagine it very well. And Wikipedia is better than her reputation.
That’s exactly what I’m doing. First, they are categorically opposed, and Lin either deals with the subject or betrays himself with insane arguments. If they are circumcised, get angry that they haven’t done it much earlier
I can only confirm your statement. The men who were trimmed post-pubertally are obviously 100% convinced. At the beginning there was still roaring, ‘category against’, and suddenly everyone was convinced.
On Wikipedia, everyone can put something in, whether it’s true or not
And no you can’t talk, because you’re not circumcised, even if you’ve read a lot, you can’t talk about how a birth feels
That’s good too, thank you for saving me here with your nonsense.
I know from multiple experience how it is, and I know about the benefits. And that’s more than ten times more important than any dubious Wikipedia – Enjoy
Just read it out. You will not receive any more answers from me.
And the predominant mass of the cut men is highly satisfied and confirms that it is better afterwards.
they are all wrong, and you are the only one in the world who knows better.
is clear… We should end the discussion at this point
Men were questioned. In individual cases this may be different, clear.
No, you can’t imagine. You should experience it, but you can’t do it because you’re not circumcised.
just take it that way… You can’t talk.
My friend was categorically opposed, and just like you now, this is supposed to be much better. Then he was circumcised, he was noticed in half year after that that he found it right well, but he was too proud to give it (typical man stop…). And ever since, he admits that he’s upset that he didn’t make it much earlier.
but beforehand in and knowledge just silly stuff…
I can imagine that.
No, you can’t know. Because you’re not circumcised, you don’t know how that feels. You can’t talk.
I trust the many equally loud statements of men who have been trimmed post-pubertally. Because the Canon both, on whose testimony I can give something
You don’t…
I am male and I am not circumcised. I know what you feel.
I can confirm.