Baby 10 Monate Leberwerte stark erhöht?
ich bin total in Angst und weiß nicht was ich machen soll. Bei meinem Sohn (10 Monate) wurde bei einer Routine Blutuntersuchung festgestellt, dass der GPT Leberwert auf 350 erhöht ist.. die Kontrolle zwei Wochen später, zeigt ebenfalls Werte von über 300.. nun wird am Samstag erst eine Sono gemacht..
Als ich die Ärztin nach mehr Informationen fragte, meinte sie wir sollen uns bis Samstag gedulden.. sie müsse schauen ob der Kleine etwas an der Leber hat.. was ist das für eine Aussage? Ich hab Angst dass da alles mögliche sein könnte..
Bitte nur hilfreiche und ernst gemeinte Antworten.
Take it easy!
If there was a concrete danger, the doctor would have said: “Please drive Now to the children’s clinic.” So calm down first.
High liver levels can have many causes, e.g. hepatitis A. They often remain symptomless and parents don’t even get it. There is no damage.
Of course, parents are extremely sensitive. But it helps you all, even the child, if you stay calm. The doctor’s answer is also technically correct: you don’t know yet. Nevertheless, some more information would have helped. But what brings you when she explains that in one of 100’000 cases this can be really dangerous?
You were with the doctor. It noticed. So far there seems to be no other symptoms. Now it’s clear what it is. When the diagnosis comes, you go on. Panic just makes the child crazy – and you too.
Is the blood routine investigated for 10 months old children? I’m surprised. It’s just a little Piks, but without a reason?
PS. You also ask the same question on . Such crossposting leads to a waste of time when a proposal has already been given on the other platform. That’s why it doesn’t like to be seen. It is useful if you then call a link to the respective other forum.
Thank you for the answer.
in fact, this was a check-up at the KiA with us. At dinner he is always very launable and we need to talk to him at dinner so he doesn’t show much interest in it. Otherwise everything is good. So she controlled blood.
I’m trying to take the question down on the other platform. Sorry. I didn’t expect someone to answer that so fast.
I am very stressed by this situation.
I believe that this is the most intense stress. Luckily we have excellent medical professionals and you have health insurance. Whatever will happen, you have turned on the professionals in time and you will get support if this is necessary.
Difficulties in eating often occur. This can also be a vicious circle if you give more and more attention to the children because of a food refusal, so that this is reinforced. Just wait until the child eats by herself, crumbles on the nerves, because parents have a fundamental drive to feed children with food.
Even children keep it easy to let a meal fail. The real goal is, of course, regular and unloaded food. But if the mood at the dining table escalates, it can be quite neutral to say: “Clear, my boy, if you’re not hungry, you don’t need anything to eat now.” Then the child gets nothing.
30 minutes later the child will get hungry – usually. Then of course it gets something! It’s not about punishment or discipline, just getting the pressure out of food. The extra food should not become the “extra sausage”, then there is only one cheese bread (if it eats) and you don’t sit together at the table and pick up. You never leave your child hungry! But one avoids circus-crobatics if the child crosses when eating.
It’s harder than it sounds. I know a lot of families where the food with the children goes out completely and becomes a power struggle. Even with experience and tips from professionals, this is not easy. In others, it’s teeth cleaning or falling asleep. Children look for such places and try out. Here too it is important to keep quiet! They’re tied up with their shoulders and say, “Ah, here we have an insolable problem. This is happening. Let’s see how we all will survive.”
That was an idea when I read “He’s always very lousy at dinner.”
Good for the eye-catching liver values! Well, you got help from doctors!
Thank you very much for the detailed answer and advice.
Patience is the best. I don’t think I can get used to such little kids on TV or something. I’ve heard from many people that they just turn on the TV to make them eat better. We do not thank God, but it is nevertheless so that he is very active and if he is to eat, he prefers to continue playing.
This is the only sensible statement. More than “I don’t know” she just can’t say. Because: everything can be possible. There are so many possible causes. The doctor can count the badly all, and it would be quite negligent to do that without further investigations. Because only through the Sono, she can probably exclude many of them.
Does there always have to be serious causes? Because values above 300 do not sound so harmless.
and thanks for the answer.
It sounds like a temporary stress or irritation of the liver and is harmless if the sonography is also inconspicuous it should be slow to go away again may be caused by a small infect or so it may also occur in babies the certain food or vitamins or medicines temporarily burden the liver but there are currently no signs of something dangerous the sonography will bring more clarity when this is inconspicuous, this will probably go away again from itself
Without all necessary investigations being completed, no doctor will “trust” a diagnosis according to suspicion.
That you are in stress is clear, but the behavior of the doctor is correct.
I hope everything will be fine. produkt️
Thank you fifa️ with us in the family comes cancer very often and there you are afraid. Our little one is very munter, can already crawl alone sitting and climb up on furniture.. there is such a statement that is worrying and so I wanted to ask if someone has experiences.
thanks for the answer.
My experience with high liver values is an event during pregnancy. My liver has seen the fetus as a foreign body and reacted with high bilirubin and GOT, GPT values. The diagnosis was then: yellowishness. I really hope this is just a kind of inflammation. produkt️
Then everything is clear. The little guy’s got yellowish. And this is curable. So no reason to panic.
I also had very high liver levels during pregnancy and then the birth was initiated at 37+3. I had extreme itching that was not to be stopped. She probably already searched in the blood for Hepatitis A-C markers and antibodies and now only remains the sono…
she must see if the little girl has something on the liver
So the doctors currently don’t know exactly what the reason is.
What is that statement?
The Only Right
Why is this waiting until Saturday? What if it could be cancer?. I’m supposed to pray for two days now and hope he has nothing.
Because your baby is not the only person who needs a sono.
That’s why I wonder if someone had experiences. And there’s something like that. In adults, values above 300 are already liver damage
I’m not going to the doctor with my child
Let’s get the text where I claimed it.
And what if other values have more than 400 or 500?
And my question related to experiences and not to answers that make an even worse mood. Thank you.
Such comments are always the best. I’m not going to the doctor with my kid because of any furt. I find that you should not wait until Saturday at values above 300.
“What is that for a statement?”
A realistic one. Obscure values have been detected and now further investigated. What else will the doctor tell you if she knows nothing more?
I understand that you’re really worried, but you can really just wait.
I push the thumbs that it’s nothing serious!
Since all this could be done, you should give your doctor the time to make a reasonable and informative diagnosis. You want your child to be helped and a diagnosis is important.