b550 mainboard mit ryzen 9 5900x oder ryzen 7 5700x3d?

ich habe ein asus prime b550m a wifi 2. ich habe bin von einem ryzen 5 5600x auf einen ryzen 9 5900x gewechselt aber bin unsicher ob es dir ryzen 9 bleiben wird. habe einen be quiet pure rock 2, also der sollte auf jeden fall gekühlt sein. dennoch überlege ich ob ich noch auf den ryzen 7 5700x3d wechseln soll. ich zocke viel aber habe benutze auch flstudio und davinci resolve. bei fl studio sollte man vom ryzen 7 auf den ryzen 9 kein unterschied merken aber bei davinci resolve wegen der kerne sollte man schon einen unterschied merken. laut asus ist der ryzen 9 5900x mit meinem mainboard kompatibel aber der b550 chipsatz ist ja jetzt nicht für high end ryzen 9 ausgelegt, sondern für ryzen 5 und ryzen 7 optimiert. In HWinfo ist die abweichung des stromverbrauches bei minimal bei rot mit 77,9%, aber ich habe gelesen, dass man das reseten soll und der Fehler so behoben werden kann. Was meint ihr? Soll ich den ryzen 9 5900x behalten oder auf den ryzen 7 5700x3d wechseln?

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3 months ago


in gaming you will have much more performance with the Ryzen 7 5700x3D than with the Ryzen 9 5900x. But you can’t benefit so much from the Ryzen 9 at DaVinci Resolve.
Since you already have the Ryzen 9 5900x, it is no longer worth buying a new processor.


3 months ago


Look at the gaming performance, look at the over-all performance, maybe even a little further down the FPS in individual games and then decide.

Depending on your requirements, one or the other can be better for you. So go to gaming or performance in Davinci Resolve.

I would go to gaming here, Davinci Resolve is a rather bad argument for a purchase from my point of view, as the requirements are immensely high and whether you are buying the one or the other, in two years it overdues the processor anyway, no matter what because Davinci Resolve is a power-eating monster.

3 months ago

The chipset does not matter for the CPU. It only provides resources. Each chipset is basically compatible with any CPU on AM4. The CPUs also run completely without chipset.

Whether 5700x3d or 5900x you have to decide. It’s not just the application, it’s what you do. Editing some compressed video with a few cuts also goes with a Ryzen 7 without problems. For Davinci, the GPU is more crucial than the CPU.

In the same way, however, a 5700x3d is completely superfluous if you play with a 60 HZ monitor, for example.

3 months ago

You have to ask yourself the question: are the FPS enough or not? If not: what is this? This is extremely important to know, because if the graphics card is at the limit, the new CPU will no longer bring you FPS. And even if the graphics card should not be completely at the limit, a new CPU does not have to bring much more if the graphics card is already over 90%. And even if it’s even less stressed: are the FPS still enough for you? Then you don’t need to change anything.

That’s why you’re orienting yourself at the GPU load. This goes with the MSI afterburner.

By the way, the limits always shift from application to application and from game to game and also within a game.

I personally wouldn’t change from a 5900X to the 5700X3D. The power advantage is there, but not abrupt and also only if the graphics card is not limited. In addition, you would lose lots of multicore performance.

3 months ago
Reply to  dyvdddcd

All right. Then let it go

3 months ago

“b550 chipset is not designed for high end ryzen 9”

This is not true so the chipset mostly chose the features that are present on the board or can be.

The 5700X3D will in most cases bring more performance in applications where cores are important of the 5900.

You have to decide what’s more important to yourself. Personally, I would just keep the 5900 and leave it.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kubi1996

Right, but I would then only look once more explicitly in the compatibility list of usable protüzesoren to see if X3D is not there, if necessary. a more modern or “higher” BIOS version should have when Ryzen 9-59x0X was currently playing.

3 months ago
Reply to  Gnurfy

This will be because the 570X3D just came out. The 5900X has been available for longer.

3 months ago

Since you already have the 5900x, it’s totally unnecessary to change it again.