B197 oder B?
Hallo, welchen Führerschein würdet ihr empfehlen, da man ja mit beidem alles fahren kann.
Hallo, welchen Führerschein würdet ihr empfehlen, da man ja mit beidem alles fahren kann.
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Wer fährt auf der Landstraße so schnell? Eher zu langsam, viele fahren nicht mal 100 sondern nur so Tacho 80. Zudem sind die Toleranzen noch höher .. Ich meine gehört zu haben eine Kollegin sei immer mit 110 Tacho dran vorbei gefahren ohne das die ausgelöst hat.
Ich (68) habe, am eigenen Leib, lebenslange Erfahrungen mit Radfahrern, die mich umfuhren und verletzten und dann wortlos oder auch mal fluchend flüchteten.
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B197 is easier because you complete the actual training on an automatic. In addition, min. 10 driving hours on a manual switch to get this closer to you.
Up to now, the B197 has been a good and long-overdue adaptation of the driving training, and it is expected that the vehicles are running less and less manually. The hand switch has also slowly operated in this country and the choice of new car purchases is becoming more and more automatic (because the range of hand switches is becoming smaller and smaller).
The current B197 will probably become a standard in the future, and it makes sense to go along with the state of the art.
The B197 is highly recommended for ski students and it is not only necessary to drive the mandatory hours on the hand switch. If desired, you can also drive for more hours on the hand switch as a student, but usually it does not take 10 driving hours to 45 minutes to learn the manual. You won’t be a professional in it, but you won’t be able to do that during the driving training, that you will only be after the driving training.
If you have direct access to B, you can limit yourself, with the B197 you keep all options open.
Is that the same?
Ne B are all automatic every hour with shift gear at b197 only the first 10 thereafter and the test also automatic
Switching is the smallest problem
As a starter, it is necessary to focus on the permanent rumping of modern vehicle culture. It is not possible to switch by side 😀