Azubi kommt ohne Führerschein zur Arbeit. Was tun?
Ich bin Ausbilder und mir ist aufgefallen das mein Azubi mit dem Auto zur Arbeit kommt er hat aber zu 100% keinen Führerschein weil ich weiss, dass er noch zur Fahrschule geht.
Was kann ich jetzt tun?
Since the path to work and back with the responsibility of the BG belongs, you have to take care of it. If you don’t, you’ll be held responsible in case of seriousness.
Get this in a conversation with him. If you passed the training exam, you should know that yourself.
Maybe everything turns out to be harmless and he makes an additional driving licence for motorcycles or trucks.
You should talk to him and ask if he can explain this to you. You are responsible as instructors for the trainees and you should be quietly involved from my experience, even if it doesn’t count directly to your tasks. Okay, maybe if he drives and parks with the car on the premises.
The azuub commits a crime and risks living on the street.
I don’t know why the question is what you’re supposed to do. Of course. He’s risking negligent life on the street. It has a reason that you can only drive after passing examination.
Then you talk to the boss and inform him about it. He has to decide whether the azuubi is so portable for the company.
Of course, you have several options, but consider that you also make you punishable.
That means: allow for driving without a driving permit.
So talk to him.
Make him point that the Fz remains here and now, otherwise you have to call the pole, because you don’t want to make yourself criminal.
For what reason should the questioner be the holder of the vehicle?
Who claimed / written this?.
At this point, you are absolutely right.
I’ve been thinking.
That would be accused of the questioner in court.
So all points are cleared.
Senke my head.
You seem to be confused, who of us here does not understand the most basic principles of driving licence law.
§21 StVG:
So again my question: For what reason should the questioner be the holder of the vehicle?
There’s nothing to decide.
If you do not understand the facts, the individual meanings, then leave it.
Otherwise, you are totally right in all points.
It was just that it was supposed to be a crime:
Now it’s all about “responsibility”. Please decide.
There’s nothing to be suspected, the facts are up.
The applicant has a guarantor position with respect to the trainee, i.e. a responsibility.
He therefore has the obligation to stop this incident.
Everything else you can do yourself.
No, that’s what you think. You have no more to say than the Road Law.
The one who knows he doesn’t have, but doesn’t drive.
So eat.
You write yourself that there is supposed to be a permit for driving without a driving permit.
Who is the only person who, according to §21 para. 1 No. 2 StVG, can make himself guilty of this act?
show him at the police and sit well
Whether you’re an instructor, you’re a human being.
Do you think he’s going over a kid? You’re responsible. Because you knew and didn’t do anything.
If I’m sure someone drives without a driving permit, I’d show him right away. I know someone who’s been in a wheelchair for years.
Stop him. If anything happens, you know nothing.
Do you also know this when he moves you or (D) a small child?
And/or if he should not be insured and also has no money to pay the damages etc.?
There are statements about which you can only shake your head if the lack of responsibility of the users – as with this answer!
and you want to be trainers?
certainly not.
you have chosen
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What’s that stupid objection? Can’t an instructor ask for advice or what? This is something that has nothing to do with his role as an instructor. Such unnecessary comments can be easily jammed.
You have already given more spiritual/competent answers – sooner!