Ayliva Tickets für Nichte zu Weihnachten bei Eventim gekauft aber mein Name auf Ticket , Einlass möglich mit Kopie meines Ausweises?
Hi. Habe meiner Nichte Tickets für ayliva Konzert gekauft die hat sie und ihr Papa bekommen.
jetzt steht aber mein Name drauf und der von meinem Sohn…
wenn ich eine Kopie mit vorder und Rückseite meines Ausweises mache und ihnen mitgebe, würde der Einlass dann funktionieren??
Oder wo kann man das umändern lassen?
bin leider nicht so gut in solchen Sachen …
No, the person on the ticket must be present. The Persos are also controlled locally.
This has to be repersonalized by Eventim beforehand.
Fansale may also have a pre-sale right where you can then send a link to your niece, which can buy the ticket from you within 48h before the rest has accessed it. (here you could sell the ticket to them for 1€)
Ayliva tickets are without pre-sale right… get in public sale
I found that; are tickets transferable from Eventim?
If you have bought several tickets for a concert, all tickets are personalized on your name. This means that the buyer whose name is printed on all tickets can take other persons. The other visitors will only be admitted to the concert together with the buyer.
I understand that when I’m all coming to the concert with me? or
Yes, I also write that the person who bought the ticket must be present. So, if you come with six other people, but where your name is on it, they’ll come in anyway… so if you don’t come with them, they’ll have to be repersonalized.