Axolotl hat schwarze Pünktchen am Kopf bekommen?

Hallo, mein Axolotl hatt seit einigen Tagen ganz viele Schwarze Pünktchen am Kopf bzw. am ganzen Körper. Das Tier war beim kauf noch komplett weiß und hatte keine sichtbaren Pünktchen.

was ist das?

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4 years ago

These are so-called spots. This is just a color variant for Axolotls. The fact that they came only later is normal, some Axolotls are initially (so if they are still young) white and later get spots, some have spots and then become quite white with time (i.e. with this one color variant). LG

4 years ago

Since the doctrines are very uniform, as a pattern is distributed over the head, I think that is normal with him. I’ve seen some pictures in which there are also drawings on the head and back.

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4 years ago

This is comparable to summer sprouts 🙂

4 years ago

He doesn’t have red eyes, does he? That means he’s not completely pigment-free like a real Albino. The pellets are simply the non-completed residues of normal skin pigmentation.