Autoversicherung zu hoch trotz jahrelangem Fahren. Gibt’s eine andere Möglichkeit?
Hallo zusammen
Ich habe am Wochenende ein Auto gekauft und wollte es heute versichern lassen. Die Versicherung ist mit Vollkasko ziemlich hoch (fast 500€ vierteljährlich). Habe im Internet nach Alternativen geschaut. Der Jahresbetrag fängt bei 1100€ an.
Ich muss dazu sagen, dass es sich hierbei um mein erstes Auto handelt (Baujahr 2021, Ford Kuga). Habe seit 2008 meinen Führerschein und war immer über meinen Vater versichert. Wir hatten ein Auto, mein Vater war der Halter und ich war mitversichert.
Kann hierbei keine Mitversicherung seit 2008 berücksichtigt werden? Meint ihr, dass die Teilkasko – beträgt die Hälfte der Jahressumme bei Vollkasko – reichen würde? Könnt ihr gute KFZ Versicherungen empfehlen ?
Basically, it is possible to insure the vehicle only with partial casco, but I would not recommend that in such a young car. My second-car – a BMW 1 convertible, built in 2010, I’ve insured with partial cash – I’ll say so rough at a vehicle value of less than 15000,-€ I don’t think it’s worth full cash, and the convertible is worth a maximum of 10 mills.
I find 1100,- € per year really not expensive for Vollkasko – I also pay about this for my first car. I have already had my driver’s license for 28 years (where insurance premiums are calculated in Austria completely differently than in Germany and, for example, the tax included). So I would advise to make these 1100 mosquitoes loose every year and then drive relaxed.
We had a car, my father was the owner, I was insured…
So in motor insurance there are No Mitversicherung. If anything, you were reported to the insurer as another driver!?
Can no co-insurance be taken into account since 2008?
If the father always waives his SF discount, a discount transfer would be possible…
You probably didn’t get any damages discount. Then every insurance is expensive.
Look at the known comparison portals. There should be something cheaper.
can vllt play with the self-sufficiency, so make them high.
I think you’re getting into class SF 1⁄2.
next year, that would be 10% cheaper again.
I guess I need to bite in the sour apple.
or your dad reports a two-car and he will inherit the percentage
If you have already searched for the cheapest providers on the Internet — then you know the current price level.
There may be a few % discounts for:
own separate garage,
few registered persons as drivers,
low annual performance
Otherwise… bad luck.
No. You weren’t “insured”, you were a legitimate driver.
Classification in SF 1/2 always possible due to your driving licence!
Since you’ve never had a car on you, you haven’t been collecting years without damage. Being registered as a passenger does not count. That was of course cheaper for you, but practically clumsy. That’s why you start now with a higher percentage and that’s why the car is so expensive when you’re insuring it on you.
Why don’t you let an insurance broker advise you?
That’s his job.
The car as an import car I have just taken to the market leader, with SF-1/2 and 9,000 km for approximately 1,000 EUR/year for the KH, VK 300 incl. TK 150.
And with father in the ver. ZFR insure falls away?
Good luck.
He is already entitled to the driver’s licence scheme 😉