Autoverkauf zwingend melden?
ich verkaufe in ein paar tagen mein Auto an einen Händler, dieser meldet das Auto vertraglich innerhalb von 3 Tagen ab. Meine frage ist nun, da ich an einen Händler und nicht Privat verkaufe, ob ich meine Versicherung darüber informieren muss oder ob diese die Information von der Zulassungsstelle bekommt und selber den Vertrag auflöst?
Without your information, the insurer converts the existing, ongoing insurance into a non-contributory insurance.
You need to make sure that the delivery time is recorded in the purchase agreement with date and time. This time, you will report SELBST to your insurance.
Then you can’t care when the vehicle is logged off. Otherwise, this dealer (or his employees) can also drive your vehicle to DEIN RISIKO.
Normally it runs automatically but you should note the date and time of the handover in the purchase agreement and the insurance report that the car no longer belongs to you. It’s only safe for you if something happens to the car.
Insurance is automatically informed after the registration of the car
If the dealer unsubscribes the car, the message goes directly from the registration office to your insurance company without having to do it. Previous it was different.
In any case, you’re sunk when the dealer is to Faul.
Personally, I’d cancel the vehicle personally.
Your insurance will be automatically informed upon cancellation.
Invoicing takes place at the same time as the tax.
It’s automatic – yes. I speak of experience.
So the remaining amount you had transferred to the insurance was automatically transferred?
Yes – with a corresponding letter of insurance.