Autoverkauf und sofortige Übergabe.?
Ich habe mein Auto peugeot 207 auf gelistet um es zu verkaufen.
Ein Mann aus Frankreich hat mir geschrieben, dass er ihn kaufen möchte.
Er fragte nach meiner Telefonnummer und wir schrieben über Whatsapp.
Er hat viele Fragen über das Auto gestellt und wollte mehr Bilder und war interessiert.
Er wollte sofort zahlen, also gab ich ihm meinen Namen und meine IBAN (nur das).
Wir einigten uns auf einen Preis von 2450 EUR. Er hat 2.000 Euro auf mein Konto überwiesen und ich habe es 5 Tage lang. Den zweiten Teil wollte er in einer Woche bezahlen, wenn er das Auto abholen würde.
Könnte das ein Betrug sein?
There might be another evil awakening. All the same, when it turns out that the supposed Frenchman lives outside the EU, an identity theft began and you just outweighed money from someone wilderness, ignorant. Can’t do it!
This is the state of my bank account.
He also sent me the company’s data (French), and his name appears on this document and agrees with the name on the transfer.
He said he was only on the 26th. April coming as he was a truck.
Then it’s good. I wrote yes, I don’t have to be like that.
If he transfers you in 2000, he won’t.
And you are even on your account statements checked?
Or did he send you a transfer document?
This is the state of my bank account.
He also sent me the company’s data (French), and his name appears on this document and agrees with the name on the transfer.
Then you will register the car and hand it over to it with all papers against cash payment of the remaining amount upon handover.
Then let you show a power of attorney and check the authenticity of the money.
And sorry, but I’m out of here.
Because, for example, I want to sell my car and so I won’t be cheated. For example, he doesn’t want to come personally and I have to give it to someone else, which is why I think
What should be suspicious if you already have the bulk of the money on your account – what you do there by the way No can take more away – you get the rest in cash and pass the car unregistered?
And why do you have the doubts now that the money is already on your account?
You don’t have to understand…
The 450 euros will be handed out in cash upon arrival.
Doesn’t that look suspicious?
Good question, but if you already have the 2000 euro, hopefully he is interested in picking up the car, right?
He can also dispense with them, is np
I’ll sell them again.
This is the state of my bank account.
He also sent me the company’s data (French), and his name appears on this document and agrees with the name on the transfer.
He said he was only on the 26th. April coming as he was a truck.