Ich möchte mein Auto verkaufen, der Käufer will das Auto morgen mit einem abschlepper abhollen, ich soll die Kennzeichen ab machen und die Papiere behalten bis ich das Auto abgemeldet habe, dann dem Käufer per Post zuschicken ist das rechtlich in Ordnung?
You can give him the letter and he pays the car completely. You keep the shields and the appearance to log off.
In the Kv, you agree that you succumb to any liability, warranty and warranty.
I need the letter to cancel the car.
Just appearance and signs.
Rightly fine, but he should leave you a deposit…
Alternatively, the buyer could also drive the car home – with your license plate – and even make the registration (on his name).
And on the way, let the sauce out with the strange signs. Nice idea!
Two vehicles were sold to me in this way.