Autounfall mit Jugendlichem, der keinen Führerschein hat?

Was denkt ihr, wer Schuld hat, wenn du als Autofahrer einen Autounfall mit einem 13 jährigen hast, der unerlaubt Auto gefahren ist, aber du ihm hinten drauf gefahren bist?

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2 years ago

It actually depends on whether the driver of the other car has been driving in traffic.

You should call without If and But the police and you should at least let yourself be counseled at once.

Lg, Anna

2 years ago

In the event of an incident, idR shall bear the main debt to the driver of the rear vehicle.

Argumentation: With a sufficient safety distance, an attentive driver could have prevented the accident, even if the vehicle ahead carries out a full braking operation.

2 years ago

And if an elephant sits on the wheel, it still doesn’t change the blame. If you shoot an armed man without a gunshot, no one will think the victim of the murderer…

2 years ago

Whoever blames is why you’ve gone up. It was inattention from you that you are guilty of the assault.

2 years ago

ach lol wait when you drive him back. then the parent of the 13th year

But you drove him on the back, too, if it’s bad running out on both sides.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elwetritschel

That doesn’t matter, you have to keep enough distance to react to that.

At best, if you can prove that he’s made one absolutely groundless, you can object.

2 years ago
Reply to  EinTyppie


2 years ago

He has no driving license. Don’t drive. His parents are up because they have not complied with their supervisory duty

2 years ago
Reply to  PESHEVA

Don’t answer the question.

2 years ago
Reply to  Smartass67

Yes. Parents are liable for their delicate children. Give special liability insurance. Here the parents are liable for all damages.

2 years ago
Reply to  PESHEVA

His parents are there because they have not complied with their supervisory duties.

It’s not that simple.

2 years ago

So, if the little shooter doesn’t make stupid faxes, and thus causes the accident, he’s just about driving without a driving permit, and the parents may be in breach of supervision.

2 years ago

P.S. Was even good that someone else was up. For he finished the terrible journey of the youth

2 years ago

Who’s in the back is guilty.