Autospiegel kaputt, wer zahlt?
Hallo. Ich hab mir heute meinen Spiegel an einen Tor abgefahren. Den Besitzer hab ich das gemeldet, an seinen Tor war nichts. Nur mein Spiegel ist komplett ab, haben den jetzt geklebt. Weis jemand ob das die Teilkasko übernimmt? Auch wenn es mit Selbstbeteiligung ist komme ich trotzdem günstiger.
Leider erreiche ich meine Versicherung nicht.
If it were a thing for the VOLLkasko, which is responsible for damage caused by accidents at own car
PARTcascoa jumps for example at Marderbiß if insured or wild accident and if your car is stolen or if your windshield or otherwise nen window on the car went to break
Only a full cash pays damage to your vehicle caused by you. All other insurance companies only protect against accident damages that are added to others by their own vehicle.
That would only take over a full-cass.
However, it is questionable whether this is still useful during the reclassification.
That’s why I’m afraid you have to pay the mirror out of your own pocket.
You can pay the mirror out of your own pocket, that doesn’t pay the insurance.
The mirror glass (if broken) takes over the part-cass, the rest of the mirror the full-cass.
So I’m sure you don’t have to deal with the insurance.
You better talk to your insurance manager about it.
But the subcass does not pay for the self-induced damage?
No one said.
Has he already written above 😉
Yes, but not all the outgoing mirror 😀
Partial casco replaces glass breakage, cause no matter (except intent and for low-cost insurers also besides gross negligence).
I didn’t know.
DEINEN mirror doesn’t pay your subcass.
Try it anyway.
That would be a full-casco damage as you caused him yourself.
pay the low damage yourself
Well, that’s not so low. It costs a new 450 Euro
pay for yourself, because if you use your insurance, you can get even more expensive, you may have to pass it through
You can pay the mirror yourself.