Autositz sauber bekommen, Eiweißflecken vom Fitnessshake?

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mein Fitness Shaker war undicht und ich hab ihn während des Autofahrens “geshaked”. Zu spät viel auf, dass die ganzen Spritzer auf dem Beifahrersitz verteilt wurden…

ProWin Reinigungsmittel und Sonax Reinigungsschaum helfen nicht. Es war ein handelsüblicher Proteinshake gemischt mit Milch.

Habt ihr noch Ideen? Mein Beifahrersitz würde sich sehr freuen…

Danke und viele Grüße

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2 years ago

aha, fitness shake is called such protein spots now… 😉

Mix the washing powder with a little water to form pulp, apply, let dry and brush out. (to be tested in a visible position)

“Shave? Will you come over and make me a fittnessshake?”

2 years ago
Reply to  horribiledictu

And it is now called “shaked” 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  backTOask

and how do you use the sliding roof from the back bench for leg freedom?

1 year ago
Reply to  backTOask

happy to have helped.

and the next time Fittness hook put a towel under!

2 years ago

It’s wonderful with upholstery. I even had a smaller suction head.

It’s even free.

2 years ago

Try it with insect cleaner for the vehicle front.

There are enzymes against proteins.

2 years ago


For car seats and the sofa at home, I borrowed a cushion cleaner and carpet cleaner more often in a well-known orange construction market chain. So far, I got all the spots out. The device sprays water on the seats and sucks it off immediately.

Please schedule some time for drying the seats – it is best to do this in summer.

Many greetings and great success!

2 years ago

Why don’t you just say you had sex in the car – and now you see the result.

But no problem for a vehicle engineer. They clean it up and clean it up!

2 years ago

There’s a so-called spray extraction vacuum. So a kind of sucker that first puts cleaner and then sucks it out of the upholstery – including dirt.

But can you do any preparer? If it’s just a seat, the costs are manageable.