Autoschaden-wie teuer könnte es werden?

Hallo zusammen,

meine Schwester (18) hat neu ihren Führerschein bekommen. Unglücklicherweise hat sie ein Unfall mit meinem Auto gemacht.

Weiß vllt ein/e Erfahren/er von euch wie viel mich die Reparatur ungefähr kosten könnte?

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3 years ago

Really? Sh… expensive. If it is made reasonable, the side part must be exchanged. Door has to be painted at least in part, bumper can be saved with some luck and only painted. At €3, you can definitely calculate, at VW more, at a free workshop with luck slightly less.

Beating this huge damage and laughing is junk and puddy. And he would certainly also cost easy 1500-2000€ in the free workshop – if a workshop actually leaves on such a pip, because no reasonable workshop wants to be connected with such a work.

3 years ago

It costs around 4000€.

3 years ago

Sheets must be exchanged. Is that worth it?

3 years ago

Can’t tell you exactly, but there must be paint in any case (400-600€) then the part must be sampled or even replaced (400-1000€). Plus you have to count on the working hours in the end.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flupsi52

😂 A workshop that realizes this for this course in D, I want to see – or perhaps even better not… 😉

Edit: well, you haven’t included working time yet…

3 years ago

Depending on whether it has to look perfect again: because then you do not get around the exchange of the side part/bottle plus of course painting, min. 2000 Euros will be if you leave it with Smartrepair

Gottseidank no multi-layered metallic lacquer, otherwise it would be 1000 euros more

3 years ago

You can’t save anything with Smart Repair…

The damage will be in the middle 4-digit range.

3 years ago


500 (for a foggy workshop, which depends on it) upwards and probably only if the longitudinal beam has reached nix…

3 years ago

1,500 – 2,000 EUR grossly estimated.