Autos importieren lassen?

Hallo zusammen lohnt es sich Autos aus dem Ausland importieren zu lassen.

-Sind diese Autos in einem besseren zu stand ( Habe gehört Autos aus Japan sollen meist ein top Zustand haben)

-Ist es günstiger als wie in Deutschland zu kaufen? Weil es kommen soweit ich ja weiß beim importieren noch steuern drauf Import kosten und man muss glaube ich das Auto direkt druch den tüv schicken.

Liebe Grüße

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2 years ago

At the bottom, it is much expensive than in Germany. In almost all cars, rebuilds are then dropped in order to get them to stand up to an acceptable level.

2 years ago

“Autos from Japan should usually have a top condition”

You can also buy scrap. But that’s true with the necessary expertise.

“Import still control import costs and you have to think I need to send the car directly to the bag”

transport, customs, import turnover tax, data sheet, conversion, repair, §21

2 years ago

When you import from Japan it will be unnecessarily extremely expensive, because of transportation costs, customs and so on

But if you buy it within the European single market, it may be worthwhile

2 years ago

That’s true with Japan, you’ll get cars in a new car state.

2 years ago

Have heard cars from Japan should usually have a top condition

I have heard that Japanese cars are right-handed;)

2 years ago
Reply to  FlockeFindet

Nö, straight German cars are there also left steering 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  FlockeFindet

Left arms are a status symbol in Japan. Just have a Corvette and a Jaguar XJ6 (!) to refit in the workshop.