Autos für fahranfänger?
Hey ich wollte mal fragen was ihr so für Autos empfehlen könnt… es sollte nicht zu klein und nicht zu groß sein. Und vllt auch nicht soo teuer ( werde mir eh ein gebrauchtes holen )
Hey ich wollte mal fragen was ihr so für Autos empfehlen könnt… es sollte nicht zu klein und nicht zu groß sein. Und vllt auch nicht soo teuer ( werde mir eh ein gebrauchtes holen )
Hallo leuts, ich habe eine Honda NC 750 s mit ca. 45 k km. Beim schalten in niedrigen Drehzahlen lässt es sich manchmal einfach nicht richtig schalten und hackt, dann muss ich sehr stark schalten das der nächste Gang einlegt. In welchem Gang ich mich befinde scheint egal zu sein passiert manchmal im 1. und…
ich möchte buchen….. wir fahren durch meinen Zielort…. ein Dorf 30km vor meinem gebuchten Zielort. (keine Station, Bundesstraße) ob der Fahrer mich aussteigen lässt?? …..oder muss ich bis zur Endstation mitfahren.
Hab noch eine normale alte Antenne
,, Unnützes Hin – und Herfahren ” ist eine Ordnungswidrigkeit.
Hallo, Ich habe trotz 2 Schwerer Fehler, die als schwere Fehler im prüfprotokoll angegeben waren, bestanden. Auch habe ich Die grundfahraufgabe umkehren garnicht gemacht, ist das üblich so?. Ich bin trotzdem sehr Happy, aber als ich in der ersten prüfunh 2 schwere Fehler drinstehen hatte, hatte ich nicht bestanden z.b.
Darf ich in einem Wendehammer überholen?
Most recommend the Toyota Yaris, for example from 2009/2010, if you can output more of course also the newer models. I drove him himself for three years, but as a long-term driver.
The following speaks as a beginner car for the Yaris:
Vehicles from Toyota have long been equipped with the most reliable and durable cars. The Yaris is cheap in acquisition, cheap in maintenance, economical in consumption, cheap in maintenance and offers plenty of space despite its small size. For example, you can use the back bank approx. 15 cm forward, so you get plenty of space in the trunk (if you’re up to two)
Just like all other Toyota models, the Yaris as used cars also lands on the first seats when it comes to long-term quality, reliability and low repair susceptibility. We have also been driving Toyota for 13 years and never have problems. My mother-in-law has been driving this car for 12 years without a breakdown or a defect.
Why I emphasize this: auto repairs are very expensive, and as a young person you often have not much money. Wear parts such as brakes, tires or even pears are normal. But if there are larger parts that are supposed to last long, then it will be expensive.
A Toyota can also have defects due to a bad holder and lack of maintenance. Therefore, when buying a car, it is important to take someone experienced to buy at best from a dealer or a serious private seller.
Of course there are also many other good cars and not just the Yaris. But I give you the urgent advice to avoid cars from Fiat, Alpha Romeo, Renault, Citroen and Peugeot. I don’t want to generalize it, but for many years cars of these brands have not been particularly well kept.
Since I am very interested in this topic, I have spent more than 10 years studying experiences of people, tests, rankings, annual TÜV evaluations and quality reports. My own experiences and those of my friends and colleagues also flow into it.
Alpha romeo? Not even properly written………
The will help you:
Greetings siola55
Fiat Panda
fiat 500
vw up
vv lupo
vw polo and so on
Nix by VW
cars of the compact or small car class are always the best solution for beginners who have to pay their insurance themselves.
depending on the budget, however, you have to reckon with age-related wear; well-maintained and well-maintained are always significantly more expensive than those who never saw a workshop from the inside or only in case of need.
if you have little idea of cars, find someone who can advise you. or let one you found on the big portal (, with a priavten seller, in one of the large test organizations, check for heart and kidney. costs approx. 100 € and is always worth his money.
The right cars for starters
Top 7: These are the best beginners cars
Cheap price when buying, cheap in maintenance, safe driving, small for a good overview: beginners cars have to afford a lot. These seven can do all this.
This is what you should pay attention to as a buyer
You can find detailed information on the subject here:
The Mini Cooper is also very expensive. I can recommend the Skida Fabia.
A golf 3/4 is a super car.
If you have enough time and money for monthly repairs