Autoreifen verliert Luft, aber kein Schaden?
Hallo, ich hab ein Problem.
Mein linker vorderer Reifen beim Auto verliert immer wieder Luft. Ich hab schon schnell immer wieder Luft abgelassen um Feinstaub raus zu pusten, aber geholfen hat es nicht.
Der Reifenmantel ist vollkommen intakt, kein Nagel, kein Riss, nichts. Jetzt frage ich mich, lohnt es sich einen neuen Reifen zu kaufen oder soll ich lieber in der Werkstatt nachfragen ob die das reparieren können? Eigentlich ist an dem Reifen nix dran, wäre schade ihn weg werfen zu müssen. Danke für Antworten, mfg.
The answer can only give you a workshop.
Maybe the valve is defective.
Maybe it’s a nail. Sometimes you have to look very carefully to find the place. Tip: If you found a suspected location, add detergent. If it is actually the damage, bubbles form.
Whether it is worth visiting a workshop depends on the condition of the tire. If he’s already almost gone, you can invest the 40€ better in something new.
The valve will be defective. I think it might happen.
Is it worth making this at the workshop or more new tires?
Go to a tyre service.
A valve costs little,
Thank you.
Did you check if the valve is hot?
What do I see? Sorry is the first time this is not what I know
Valve broken. Why are you leaving the tire for dust? Can you explain this to me?
If there is no tyre, there are three possibilities:
in order of frequency:
All in all, the repair is quite favorable. In order to install a new Ventiel, the tire has to be pulled down, new Ventiel is to be retracted, and the tyre is to be wound up completely approx. 8 to 20 euros for tyre service. A normal ventiel costs about 2 euros. Most tyre services have flat-rate prices for “remote tyres” which corresponds to the same workload and already contains a new (standart) Ventiel, since the ventiel change is compulsory. RDS Ventiele can be drastically more expensive (up to €80 and more).
A ventiel insert with the associated tool looks like this:
Ventiel insert
and this is the complete Ventiel that you can only change when the tire is pulled off:
and here is an RDS Ventiel:
RDS Ventiel
Externally, a RDS Ventiel is not to be distinguished from a conventional ventiel, which is one of rubber and the other of metal, is purely random
Valve writes without ie.