Maximum weight of car tires?

My car tires have a maximum load capacity of 850 kg. Does this apply to the entire weight, meaning the car can only carry a maximum of 850 kg, or is the weight distributed across four wheels, allowing four times the load and a maximum of 850 kg per wheel?

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2 years ago

Since no one knows how many wheels will have a vehicle to which the tyres are drawn, the load specified can only relate to the individual tyres. Actually logical, right?

…so in the car can only be a maximum of 850kg extra…

How’s an extra stress?

…you can charge the 4 fache and a maximum of 850kg per wheel?

This is the only sensible conclusion for a 4-wheeled vehicle, the permissible total weight of the vehicle and the permissible axle load not being exceeded.

2 years ago

The load limit is in the vehicle certificate. The suspension also has a physical limit. According to manufacturer specifications, the tyres require a minimum load capacity index. It must be observed. If high-quality tires are mounted, it is not possible to charge them automatically.

2 years ago


The latter.

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