Autoradio macht plötzlich “DAB-Alarm”?
Bin neulich aufm Verkehrsübungsplatz bisschen mitm Auto gefahren weil ich bald die Fahrausbildung anfange.
Während der Fahrt erschien plötzlich im Display “DAB-Alarm”, das Radio sprang laut (!) an. Ich hab mich zur Tode erschrocken. Dann gab es irgendein Hinweis wo man irgendwo ein Auto findet und gewinnen kann. Dann ging das Radio wieder aus.
Was ist das? Warum kommt das so plötzlich? Kann man es ausschalten?
I don’t know how it works at DAB, but there’s something like that at UKW: if a traffic message comes in, the radio will be louder there – maybe it’s also at DAB.
At UKW, the so-called “Hinz Triller” is used. This sends a signal (the hearing is also btw) in a specific frequency range. The car radio reacts to this frequency and switches the radio louder.
Here is an article on Wikipedia:
Probably was just a test alarm. That’s a kind of alarm in the disaster. He goes to all digital radios and they’ll have to give out the alarm.
Here is more exact
Oh, and that was winning with the car because it was just advertising or what?
Can be because the alarm should also be said that it is a DAB alarm and the radio should switch to the appropriate transmitter