Automatische Antworten in Outlook per VBA einrichten?
Hallo Zusammen,
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit Automatische Antworten in Outlook über einen VBA code einzurichten? Ich habe es bereits probiert mit dem Copilot einen Code zu schreiben bei dem aber immer der Fehlercode 438 (“Objekt unterstützt diese Eigenschaft oder Methode nicht”) kommt.
Falls sich hier jemand etwas besser auskennt würde ich mich sehr über Hilfreiche Antworten Freuen! 🙂
Hello, I can’t remember if that was the same error code, but I had a similar problem. The code was perfect, but was placed in the wrong place in Outlook. It does not belong in a module, but under “This Outlook Session”:
This function should also work without VBA.
It is clear to me, however, that I would like to do it with VBA and that is also why it is:)
I already have another code that pulls me out the most obvious date from the Outlook calendar that has e.g. a holiday in the title. From that date, the start and end period should be communicated to me. And from this information, I should automatically set up an absentee report. The .xlsm then I simply add to the AutoStart folder, so the absent report is always on the latest.
Yes I know I can set it up manually every time, but why do it manually if you can automate it.