Automatikgetriebe Handbremse?

Hallo liebe Community!

Ich habe mir eine Mercedes B Klasse gekauft Baujahr 2006 Autotronic.

Wer kann mir bitte weiterhelfen ?!

Wenn ich an der Ampel stehe ,will ich nicht die ganze Zeit die Bremse treten . Ist es möglich auf ,,D,, die Handbremse hoch zu ziehen und bei grün wieder frei zugeben zum weiterzufahren. Bei meinem Auto rollt er trotzdem wenn ich die Handbremse ziehe .

Ich habe im Internet viel rechachiert ,aber leider nichts dazu konkretes gefunden . Ich kann auch auf ,,P,, schalten ,das ist etwas umständlicher und das Getriebe nutzt sich ab oder ?!

Bitte um Hilfe ,vielen Dank schonmal ihr Lieben 😊

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3 years ago

I don’t know what the car has for an automatic now. I suppose it’s a normal automatic converter. If you’re staying at a traffic light or rail crossing, you should already switch to P or N. And there’s no use in the gear. Where did the nonsens come from?

Stay in D, run the pump wheel in the converter and feed oil to the standing turbine wheel. If the power is not delivered to the wheels via the gear, you only care that the oil in the gear is quickly very warm and the engine is braked.

The digital motor control then raises the speed to compensate for this. So the engine consumes much more fuel than if you switch to P or N. See the speedometer when you stand with D and then switch to P or N. then the speed meter makes a short jump up.

So for the gear, its oil and your fuel consumption it is all better to switch to D/N!

3 years ago
Reply to  Poeticlover

When the car is standing, and D is engaged, the motor runs against the converter. This increases the torque of the engine. It is possible that this is reinforced to such an extent that the hand brake is no longer sufficient. So one more reason to switch to N/P. As far as I know, the B-Class has a double brake back. Discs for the service brake, drums (in the disc) for the parking brake. They can, of course, wear or become hard by age. It should be seen at the latest when the lever path of the hand brake becomes longer or no longer stops.

Nevertheless, the car should also be safe at stronger slopes with parking brake and parking lock. What this looks like can see here: At 3:40 you can see the drum brake in the brake disc.

3 years ago

Maybe you could go to a workshop near you.

Possibly, a hand brake cable is torn or the sole must be tensioned.

Generally I find it for a not so good idea when you pull your handbrake at the traffic lights

Just kick the brake

And pull the hand brake only if your gear is on “P” or “N”!

3 years ago
Reply to  Poeticlover

put your gear on “N” and tie the handbrake at a slight stand

if the car does not roll then function

3 years ago

put your gear on “N” and tie the handbrake at a slight stand

if the car does not roll then function

3 years ago

Turn to N before the traffic light, press the foot brake if the car rolls.
Don’t stop with D and brake the car.