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2 years ago

The question is how serious the Schufa problems are and whether these are limited to the Schufa.

Then it is still crucial whether you are a consumer or a commercial leasing user, not all leasing companies are already picking up a Schufa event, but a credit reform event. This can be quite good even if there are negative entries in the Schufa.

What can be tested or tested in commercial leasing, and how the weighting of the individual criteria is, m.E. is described here quite clearly:

If credit reform is also bad, there are also providers that conclude lease agreements with commercial leasers at a minimum of 25% deposit.

In order not to fall into scams and oursable providers in this segment, please note the link that I set in my comment on the response of users NNB7654. Therefore, beware of all providers who advertise far below 25% with down payment.

For consumers, in my knowledge, there are only providers with negative Schufa that lease their own vehicles or only traders with whom these leasing companies cooperate.

2 years ago

only on your beautiful blue eyes no car hirer trusts you a vehicle worth 40 or 50 thousand euros.

Finally, this is like a loan, and there is also only the loan shark without the charcoal for 30% interest.

2 years ago
Reply to  fanclub75

Even he looks at the sheikh if it is not one who accepts your organs as security.

But he doesn’t want to see Schufa.

2 years ago


It’s mandatory.

2 years ago

hold at least 10% deposit bars.

2 years ago
Reply to  NN87654

The emphasis is indeed on those providers who have different “payment rates” in their GTCs. at least: 10 % deposit, where this tariff is more a cursory offer and will be as good as ever after the leasing user has paid this deposit to the leasing company after the lease contract is signed and is only then forced to make a value assessment on the vehicle at his expense. If the value of the value assessment determined is not at least 15 % lower than the market value (who determines the actual value), then 25 % of the purchase price must be paid automatically.

These and other unselfish practices in this very special market segment are described very clearly here:

2 years ago

There will be no