Autolack glänzend bekommen?
mein Nachbar und ich haben das selbe Auto. BMW E46 Baujahr 2001.
Er hat einen Bordeaux roten und ich einen dunkel blauen.
Sein Autolack ist perfekt, glänzt und sieht aus wie neu.
Mein Autolack sieht heruntergekommen, verkratzt und einfach nicht schön aus. (Auch nach dem putzen!!!)
Was kann ich machen um das zu ändern?
Er putzt sein Auto 1-2x die Woche und ich 1-2x im Jahr.
Liegt es vielleicht daran?
Kann man durch normales Putzen den Autolack so aufwerten?
Ich habe schon über eine Politur nachgedacht, aber diese hält nur für wenige Monate (< 5) und kostet hochgerechnet viel.
Hat jemand Tipps wie mein Auto schön glänzend werden kann auch ohne professionelles polieren?
P.S. Meinen Nachbarn nach seinen Tipps zu fragen ist keine Option. Können uns nicht leiden… 😀
After the car is washed and once properly sucked out, it goes to the paint. The Flys & Co are previously removed with a wet women’s tights (Knäuel) filled with women’s tights. There are no scratches and you can make it in between.
If the paint is dry, you should first process the paint with a paint cleaner. After that, he gets a polish and then he is still awake, with Karnauba wax, by hand. The carnauba wax is properly massaged with your fingers, while you also notice which places have not been properly clean despite polishing.
Then rub off the wax once with a soft cloth and then rub it with a special cloth, then it shines like an monkey popo and feels really soft. Thus the paint is protected and there are also not so many flies & Co stick to it. You should make polishing every late autumn and in the earlyjar, that’s enough for the year.
The windshield wiper blades are drawn once on a core soap so that they cannot rub on the disc. This also has the advantage that the soap dissolves during wiping and at the same time cleanses the pane of fly & Co more easily.
Then clean the usual like interior trim, dashboard and rub all plastic parts on the outside with depth carers, of course not to forget the rims which are always cleaned and polished during change. Also spray the tires with tire care so that the rubber remains smooth and also becomes beautifully black. They look like new.
So, and now to work and show it to your neighbor.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, you’ll never get the paint of your BMW to shine again.
I guess the previous owner was just as sloppy with the car as you washed the last few years.
The dirt is burnt in the paint even through the last very warm summer you never get out again.
Tip for the next car: wash the car at least every week and remove bird’s jersey immediately from the paint, which will break it so fast.
You can get down and scratched paint only by professional work-up.
I don’t understand what to do with your neighbor.
Why should a polish last a few months? Without polishing, there will be nix shining you can add a carwax to it miximal, then it will be a bit better but do not come to polish.
Let it be worked up professionally or edit yourself with paint reinger/politur.
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