Autokredit statt Barzahlung sinnvoll?
Wenn man 8000 Euro auf dem Girokonto, 16000 Euro MSCI World hat und ein Auto für 15000 Euro kauft, denkt ihr dann es wäre besser, die Hälfte vom MSCI World zu verkaufen und das Auto bar zu bezahlen oder würdet ihr eher mit 6000-7000 Euro Anzahlung einen Kredit aufnehmen (den ihr euch leisten könntet), um keine Fonds verkaufen zu müssen? MSCI-World gibt es seit 1986, er bildet die Weltwirtschaft ab und wächst durchschnittlich um 9%/Jahr.
MSCI World, this is a share fund. What is he meant for in your planning? For retirement? Or for a car purchase? You have shares long, you sell them only if they have a good price. And this is not the case at the moment. Would pay €4,000 and take the rest on credit. Or drive the old sled a little.
The dealer.
You have to see what the prognosis is for the fund. However, such a plant mM is to be considered in the long term.
What I would certainly try to avoid would be a Bank credit I’d better find it if you’re trying to get the money in the family circle.
I don’t know the current interest rates now, go to a comparison portal for what interest rates are. At Vox I have something for 6,000€ 14.99% (!) seen in the year.( sounds madly high for me)
It’s already intense.
Request credit or interest-free as possible from a person/institutional.
For example, Jobcenter grants interest-free loans for some purchases. Just request.
The interest-free times are over except for an automobile bank.
The job center grants only those loans that receive the job center performance. And only for important things you need to survive or take a job.
Who 8,000 has got no JC credit. And even if he didn’t have it, he won’t get anything for a car that costs 15,000.
Only Bares is there.
Let something come in and you can’t pay the rates anymore.
If you pay cash, nothing can happen.
Normally you get a significantly lower price when you pay immediately.
And for free, you don’t get loans anymore.
Where does the rumor come from?
the dealer doesn’t really care if you buy cash or credit.
If the dealer gives you a loan, he gets a small commission.
If you buy cash, you save the interest.
That’s what it was.
Of the car dealers who repeatedly called me other prices for immediate purchase and financing.
The dealer has his money at bar purchase. He has to wait a little while for the bank to transfer it.
Discount only because of cash buy give the least, is rather a rareness.
Would take the 8k from the Giro as deposit and then the rest with credit.
But it depends on the interest. If he’s very high, then not.
Would also just buy the car bar.
Cash payment is definitely better.
And more suitable car to the collar width – without credit.
If the interest rate for the loan falls below the return of the asset, it can be considered.
and with your account balance don’t spend more than 8-10tsd for the car!
I wanted to write, but you already mentioned.