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2 years ago

In none of the federal states the symbol “SS” is available on the license plate. Just as little as KZ, NS, SA, HH, HJ. Certain numbers such as “88” in several variants are also not available. Since, however, not all the federal states or their road traffic authorities have introduced these prohibitions at the same time, it can already have been regionally issued an “old” mark before the ban, which has a certain letter and/or number order. However, this is rather rare and most of the time is not an EU mark.

2 years ago

“SA”, “HJ”? What is this for?

2 years ago
Reply to  Blautorintos

The “SA” stands for Storm Department and the “HJ” for Hitler Youth.

2 years ago

Hi, can’t be.

I live in Kiel with the license plate AI. A friend wanted to have Kiss on the license plate.

The official of the agency regretted that this would make sense with us in Kiel, but unfortunately he cannot help, because SS is banned throughout Germany.

2 years ago

You get your own license plate

2 years ago

Wrong,.. This has been banned in D and Ö since 1952 – you fairy tale counter

Is it painted with pencil?

2 years ago
Reply to  Takinene

Is this not at the discretion of the respective state council offices whether they issue such combinations or not?

I mean to have read that if that’s the initials of the vehicle holder, you can get that as a license plate

2 years ago

OK, if you say that….