Autokauf traum möglich?
Guten Tag! Ich möchte mir jetzt meinen Traum erfüllen und zwar ein Audi S3 Sportback 5 Türer gebraucht. Er liegt in einer Preisspanne von 18.000€. Da ich Nachwuchs bekommen habe ist mein alter brocken zu klein und ich muss ihn daher verkaufen. Ich habe auf meinem Konto 3000€ plus Autoverkauf wären es dann ca 4500-5000€ Ich habe einen sicheren Arbeitsvertrag und verdiene von 1800-2000 im durchschnitt. Ich bezahle 780€ Warm miete. Zu den generellen Nebenkosten kommen ca 400€ im Monat, da ich mich aber manchmal ziemlich gehen lasse könnte ich runterschrauben. Kredit würde ich mit Sicherheit bekommen oder könnte das Auto Leasen. Was würdet ihr machen? Kann mich jemand einwenig beraten?
I would finance him if it had to be. For example, you get a matching / variable loan at your home bank.
More than 300€/month repayment should not be it.
quite honestly: if I can’t even calculate if I can afford a car… I don’t buy myself.
only you know your financial framework. not strange. how much audi in maintenance costs you can calculate in the internet…
Leave it! Buy a combination that you can buy directly and b really can afford!
Especially with children, you should be at the back of places when you just get over the rounds!
So a S3 wants to be entertained and maintained and spare parts are very expensive, the consumption is high and my money would be too bad to spend it for a car that is technically a golf 😅
You’d better buy a middle-class combination, at least you’ll get something in there!
Mazda 6, Ford Mondeo, Hyundai i40, 3 BMW Touring, Toyota Avensis
Mh in your case then probably $5,000 deposit and rest then by financing.
5,000€ deposit with 3000€ on the edge? please do?
3000€ + the car sales he wrote and would be at 4500-5000€
with the sale of the current car
in the question is nothing to the seller. if private sale, then nix is also taken into payment.
for me, the payment frame is too tightly knitted.
can be given in payment.
he has to get rid of this….as long as I don’t have money in the hand, I don’t plan it.
In the case of the financial key data, I would advise you to buy an expensive sports model. This is already relatively close financially today and I am convinced that it will not be better if the youngster is here.
Apart from that, if you’re looking for a bigger car with value, what do you want with an S3? With all the things you need for the child + luggage for the parents you are relatively quick to play at the “Tetris”. Why not have a few marks on the motorization and a number bigger? So any middle class combination? Or if it should be really compact, rather a compact SUV. They are often amazingly spacious. a Q3, which it must be an Audi.
Everyone has a car dream, yours costs about $50,000, you want to spend $18,000. What do you think you get? It’s just a bloody car.
Young people are on your way, because you don’t buy old lutched car, which probably has many deficiencies and needs more oil than fuel.
A child is expensive, what did you want to pay for?
For 18k you will get a new car, without defects, for at least 3.4, years.
Just buy yourself a stinky A3. You can catch your dream of some car later. Your capital of about 5,000 € and your salary minus the rent is not exactly lush and do not necessarily justify a S3.
I would choose a car that fits into my budget and don’t go for a “traumwagen” in a financial confinement.
grad because you have grown up you should consider exactly what is more important, bling bling with a car or your own grow.
Buy. You pay for leasing, but you don’t have a car after the end. It’s your end when you’re financing. Then you got something back. Give him a new one.