Autokauf Ja oder Nein?
Hi Freunde, 🙂
ich Arbeite im Automotive, und mich würde es sehr interessieren wie ihr momentan zu einem Autokauf steht?
Da sich ja momentan jegliche Situation verändert und auch viele Maßnahmen getroffen werden müssen, nicht nur Bundesland weit sondern auch Persönliche Maßnahmen, würd ich gerne wissen wie die Meinung der Community steht?
Vielleicht auch mit kleiner Antwort 🙂
Vielen Dank und LG 🙂
I’m just buying a car if I need one, so if the old one isn’t to be repaired in a rush,
or: If the State gives me a really attractive grant, not only € 1000 or a loan or a small tax exemption or something.
The discounts you get? But I don’t need another car right now.
So why buy a new one? The then scrapping premium was also a shot in the oven, which will be discussed as well. You might buy a new one because you’re just about to make a decision and someone’s throwing money, but then? Who has a well-functioning vehicle, why should he buy a new one at once?
It’s like Black Friday, so the Christmas business is just being preferred.
I buy cars like washing machines
if it’s completely broken, I’ll buy a new
my mind
So you deserve your money?
I find it not so important
is like a television or a washing machine, I don’t need a new one
when mine is broken, I will repair or buy new when unprofitable
my mama had given me a new car for 10 years, he still does
Read more:
“If it’s broken, I’ll buy a new one”
Where do you think you deserve that?
I’m not worried about my Hyundai. So why would I buy a new, different car?