Autokauf betrug oder echt?
Ich habe ein Problem und zwar habe ich ein Auto gefunden, welches in Deutschland zugelassen hat aber in Schweden ist. Nun meinte der Verkäufer, dass dieser die Spedition bezahlt, die Spedition meinte, dass ich die Hälfte bezahlen soll und das war mit dem Verkäufer abgemacht. Aber jetzt heißt es, dass das Innenministerium für inneres und verkehr keine Genehmigung gibt um das Auto per Schiff nach Deutschland zu Schicken, weil es angeblich ein neues Gesetz gibt und ich jetzt den Restbetrag übernehmen soll, der Verkäufer wollte den Restbetrag übernehmen darf es aber nicht da er nicht der Käufer ist. Und ich möchte wissen ob es so ein Gesetz gibt oder nicht.
Danke im Voraus
It smells like fraud.
That should be clear to you.
Such a text is known for fraud. They just want half the money for a cargo that will never take place.
Contact immediately cancel.
Yes clear fraud
This is a typical fraud. There will suddenly be costs that the seller allegedly cannot take over. Don’t pay. These are most scams from Nigeria and the surrounding area. This is warned everywhere.
Hi, I hope you haven’t paid anything yet.
I’m sure that’s the scam.
Take a car buy at Google Spedition. You’ll be beaten.
It’s also now a well-known mash.
I can refund the money and I just did it for security but thank you
This is quite obvious fraud
the chances are too big that it is Scam. Sorry, but dear finger away!
then you will have to go to Sweden and pick up your car there. the costs will be hanging on you. you knew about the situation.
I’d rather wonder if the car actually exists.
whether the buyer has seen photos, we do not know
but a friend is Schwede and in Dland with his vehicle, that has a Swedish authorisation
go, no problem
A picture doesn’t say anything yet. They take photos from the web and thus build their own sales ad. Sometimes even of real existing cars that are for sale but are not owned by your provider.
Dude of mine wanted to buy a Sharan years ago, who was supposed to be in England.
When the feedback came, the vehicle was in England, he even indicated a possible stand. At Google Maps, Kumplchen has searched for a place in England that was about 150 km from the alleged location of the car and claims his brother-in-law live there. He would pick up the car and pay directly the full purchase price in cash.
Dude has the so long annoyed until the offer was suddenly gone:-)
You said that very well.
A photo proves that there is the car. Only just the photo proves that the vehicle belongs to the person who pretends to sell it, or whether the vehicle is sold.
tja in the inet is now possible
It doesn’t mean that the car is actually for sale.